Thursday, October 9, 2014

International day and other stuff

Today was international day at school. Each class was given a country and we had to dress up like they do in that country and also prepare a feast. 9th grade was Germany. I know close to nothing about Germany. Well, I used to. Now I know that 
1) Germany is famous for their cakes
2) They have the best beer (...) 
3) They like meats
4) The men tend to brag about how much beer they can drink at once 
5) Germany is WAAAY less chaotic than my class XD 

Ok, so Germany is actually a pretty cool country and the above isn't all I learned. But we were doing a lot of preparation for the feast so I learned a lot about their food. 
We all showed up at school in costume and omigoodness, we are a bunch of weirdos. A good bunch of weirdos. XD A lot of the costumes were amazing! Mine was underwhelming... For the feast itself, each country got its own table and you decorate it and stuff. We decorated ours to look like a German bar, steins of rootbeer included. Plus bratwurst, sauerkraut, potato salad, rolls, German chocolate cake, black forest cake, etc. For our entertainment, we held a contest for the teachers: who could chug a whole stein of rootbeer in the least amount of time. Basically, this consisted of multiple teachers drinking rootbeer at a speed that shouldn't be humanly possible while we stand around screaming "CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!" and cheering. 
It was actually kinda fun. The food itself was really good! I'm not a fan of sausage, but I have to admit, the bratwurst was pretty awesome. 

So thats international day. On to other things. 

Tonight my siblings and I watched Kung Fu Panda which we haven't done in like a billion years. Why are the villains the most awesome people in movies? Seriously, Tai Lung is so boss in the scene where he escapes prison. If he had been good, he would be so AWESOME. No, scratch that... If he had been good he would have been too perfect. 
But the story itself is actually really cool. The whole theme about being yourself even if "yourself" isn't what others want to see. Sometimes you wish you could add a "secret ingredient" to make yourself even better. 
But, there often isn't a secret ingredient. Its only you. And nobody else out there can be you better than you can

Ok, I need sleep. 

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