Saturday, December 13, 2014

Fish, fish, and more fish

Today we went to a little fair near our house in the harbor. It was really small, maybe only ten rides, but it was fun. At first, I was reluctant to go because I wanted to get all my normal homework out of the way today so tomorrow I could study until my brain falls out. Plus I'm not really into rides. But the fair was only going to be there for a few days, plus my grandparents wanted to meet us there and my grandma's birthday is in a couple days, so what the heck, right?

I'm really glad I went. The rides were a lot of fun. I went on a ferris wheel for the first time ever with Blaze. Blaze and Penguin found this ride called the Spinner where you sit in this seat and it spins you around really fast. They went on it two or three times! I went on it too, but not three times.
We also won six gold fish. Six. Why. So now, two live in Blaze and Penguin's room, two live in Lilian and Ronnie's room,and two live in mine and Rosie's room.
Ronnie's: Sqishy
Lilian's: Seasquatch (is that a name?)
Rosie's: Felix
Penguin's: Finn
Blaze's: Black Finn
Mine: Robert Downey Jr. (or Iron Man for short)
I just realized that no one gave the fish a girl's name...

Lilian and Ronnie are going to kill their fish within the next week.

Then we walked down the harbor a bit along the shops and stuff. There was some people singing carols and we stopped to listen. On the corner, they were blowing fake snow around and two guys dressed up in snowman andpenguin costumes were walking around taking pictures with kids and giving high-fives and stuff. Then we got ice cream and left. Well, actually, Rosie and I used the last tickets to go through the fun house, which was a let down. I said we should have gone on an actual ride, but noooooooo, Rosie wanted to go through the fun house.

I shall now procede to eat shrimp and count down the minutes until Christmas. Or count down the minutes until the end of my last exam. Either way is good.

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