Saturday, January 10, 2015

Little Moments

This morning I woke up and it was raining. Six hours later and it still is! I'm hiding in my room with the laptop, a cup of tea, and peppermint bark. My version of a perfect afternoon x).  

(Have you ever tried dipping peppermint bark in tea? It tastes like Christmas, winter, rain, and everything amazing about this time of year.) 

And in case your wondering, I am not athletic, BUT I am excited about the Patriots-Ravens game. I watched the first half with my dad at a little pizza place near my house, and now I can hear him watching the rest of it in the next room. And yes, I know close to nothing about football, but I know enough to watch a game. Ish. 
My dad was born in Baltimore, but raised in Mass., so it's kind of an interesting game for us. But we're Patriots fans, all the way. Also with any other sport; Red Sox, Celtics, Bruins, and all that. 

"New England has a harsh climate, a barren soil, a rough and stormy coast, and yet we love it, even with a love passing that of dwellers in more favored regions." -- Henry Cabot Lodge 

All this wintry weather reminded me of a poem I wrote a year or so ago in math class. (It's not like I wasn't paying attention, I was multi-tasking) Anyway, here it is. The rhyme scheme, I now realize, of the last stanza is different from the others, but bear with me. It feels wrong to change it now, after it's been sitting in my purple writing folder for a year. 

Little Moments by moi 

Rain falls 
Misty mornings 
Frozen breath 
Cardinal calls 

Dark clouds 
Deep silence
Purple lips 
Say no sounds

Frosty bite 
Thick sweaters 
Windy songs
Dim light 

Dancing fires 
Lively sparks 
Smell of rain
And rubber tires 

Ice-cold air
Steaming drinks 
Sleeping babies 
With teddy bears 

Little things 
That places bring
Make these moments 
Seems to sing 

Ha! A poem that rhymes! It is possible for me to still write these ya know. 

Well now I'm off again. My peppermint bark awaits and my tea is getting cold. 
