Friday, March 11, 2016

Small Ways.

*decides to lose all dignity right now* 
Hellooooo it's meeeeee 

I apologize, I haven't eaten much today and I dissected a chicken in biology class and my hands still feel contaminated, despite the many washes. And so those are my excuses, just don't hate me please. x)

This week was an interesting one. I realized just how done I am with school. It was a relatively difficult week on multiple levels, and although today's rain helped my mood, I'm still very glad it's over. I don't like stress, it makes me feel like a twice-used tea bag. 

I'm just generally not good in stressful situations. Fun factoid about moi. 

Hugs are a good remedy for bad days. We have a bunch of my dad's family staying at my house right now, and I have a lot of little cousins, so when I came home from school today I found them all in the sun-room and yelled, Give me hugs, little children, I need hugs! 

I have the most adorable cousins. 

But I wanted to come and give you guys some words of wisdom, just a lesson I learned: true friends stay beside you, no matter what you've done to them. Someone who really loves you- and I'm not just talking about the romantic kind, I'm talking also about the love between friends- will stand up for you, even in small ways. 

Small ways. Every day is a small step to the greater goal: Heaven. A lot of the things we do are just small ripples in the pond, but those ripples lead to bigger and bigger ones. Think about how many people you've influenced in your life. Think about how many people you meet every day. The old man you smiled at when you passed him on the street. The lady walking her dog you said hi to. That little boy you hugged. 
If you look at it like that, everything we do if huge! But what is it, really? A smile; a kind word; a hug. It's nothing. It takes 26 muscles to smile and we do it involuntarily all the time. We don't even think about. Maybe you just said hi to that person you passed on the street out of habit. But you influenced someone else's life by living your own. 

When we do things for people, no matter how small, it influences their life. People who say their lives don't matter are only looking at themselves and haven't looked at the people around them whom they've influenced. 
Modern society today is telling people that all we really need is us, that we're perfect on our own. But we weren't even created for us! We were created because God is infinite love, and He wanted to share His love with us. So why don't we share our love with the people in our lives, as God shared His love with us? 

Another thought, another rant. I appreciate that you guys read this x)
Off to do geometry homework! Because I'm still a teenager who goes to school.