Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Text Tag!

Before I get into this, I'd like to say that this is my 200th post!! And I want to thank all my readers. Really, it makes me so happy that people actually read this, you guys have no idea x) 


The fantabulous fabulous Grace Anne nominated me for the Text Tag! Thank you, Grace! I'm excited to do this ;) 

How this works: 

i. Thank the person who nominated you and give a link to their blog
ii. Answer the original 6 text-themed questions
iii. Add a typography/word related question of your own for those you tagged to answer
iv. Tag 6+ bloggers and let them know
v. Include these rules in your post

We'll see if I actually end up tagging six or more people, and we'll also see how coherent my answers are, but I'm excited to give this a try so here goes nothing! 

i. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?

"J", don't ask me why, because I couldn't tell you, but it's a pretty fun letter.

ii. What are three words you love?

Oooh, I love words! I love wonderful words! But three of my favorites would have to be "wonderland", "life", and "fire". Again, don't ask why.

iii. What are three words you hate?

I've given this a lot of thought. There aren't a ton of words I hate. But I don't really care for the words "bland", "stump", and "lamp". They're just kind of boring.

iv. If you were to create a word, what would it be, and what would it describe?

Alright, when I first saw this question, I thought I would create an amazingly awesome word that describes the smell of cooking bacon. But then I decided to not do that, although that may be a future project, I dunno... I also wish I could take credit for the words "romantical", "fantabulous", and "kerfluffle". But I can't. 

.....I just spent many minutes trying to come up with a word, but I can't do it, so I'm back to my bacon idea. 
Heaventastic (HEH-von-TAS-tic)--adj.-- of or pertaining to the wonderful smell of cooking bacon. 

You're welcome, fellow bacon enthusiasts.

v. What are your three favorite punctuation marks?


vi. What are three of your favorite fonts?

I like Dancing Script, but I also just like anything fancy and swirly... Dancing Script, Indie Flower, and Pacifico....

vii. (question from Ava) Do you prefer writing on paper or typing?

CAN I SAY BOTH?? CAN I?? It really depends on my mood.

viii. (question from Grace) What is one word that means a lot to you?

 I'm super sentimental, I could probably think of hundreds of words that mean a lot to me, given the time, but at the top of my head, one word that means a lot to me is "light". 

Now I'm thinking about my own sentimentality and wondering why I have so much of it.
Grace why are you so good at thinking up awesome questions??

My question to all my nominees, should you choose to accept it:

If you could sum up your biggest adventure in three words, what would those words be?

I'm so bad at coming up with questions x) 


Emma Grace

And if you want to do this, please do! I nominate you!! Leave me a link in the comments so I can check it out ;)


  1. Ahhhh yay you did it! I loved reading your answers! Also, congrats on 200 posts, that's so impressive!!!

    1. Haha glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for nominating me x)

      Thank you!! I can't believe I'm managed to stick with it for this long!
