Monday, June 20, 2016

Camp NaNo.

So I'm doing Camp NaNo this year for the first time ever... and I'm a little nervous? Blah, I always do this to myself. It's ridiculous. 

This is how I'm killing two birds with one stone: I get to try out Camp NaNo for the first time ANDDD it's motivation to start the second draft of my story and hopefully make it better and longer ((and better, did I say better?)). 

I went to the beach today, in other news, for the first time in forever, which is ridiculous, because you can literally see the ocean from my bedroom window... I'm so ridiculous, why am I so ridiculous? 

But yeah! Camp NaNo! I need encouragement. If you've got any advice for a first-timer like myself, it would be so appreciated and I will send you Oreos and love you forever! 

Now have more beach pictures, because the beach is just so gorgeous. 

I know I promised that I would post about interesting stuff... That wasn't a lie, I will at some point. 
In the meantime, I apologize for being so boring xD 


  1. First off, I'm so incredibly jealous that you can see the beach from your window. Honestly, life goals right there. I just want to be near the ocean, it's all I ask xD

    NaNo!! Ahh! That's so exciting! I've actually never done NaNo, so I can't really give much advice.. Good luck though!! I will say that one trick that I've heard is to try to do more than your daily word count at the beginning since you'll be tireder toward the end of the month..that's about all I've got. Hope it goes well!!

    1. IKR! Whats frustrating is if its cloudy you can't see it and lately it's been cloudy here...

      THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Yes, I'll definitely try and do that, that's a great tip!! <33

  2. Yes, I agree! The beginning is always easier for me anyway. And if you can find somebody to war with, that's really good and motivating. Or just word sprints on your own. It also helps me to close all my various tabs (including NaNo) when I'm writing, because otherwise I get sidetracked really easily. Or on a bad day when the words just aren't coming, I tend to get obsessed with updating my word count, like every 100 words or whatever, and that's not really productive for me, so I try to just cram for awhile, then update the count and go take a break. Hope you have a blast! :D

    1. Whoops, I forgot to switch accounts. That was me, obviously :)

    2. Those are really good tips!! Thanks Monica! Yeah, I tend to get sidetracked super easily too, ugh x)
