Saturday, December 24, 2016

Three Ways to Get in the Holiday Spirit

Not that any of us really need help in that department I think... Who doesn't love Christmas, right?? 
Okay, I don't want to sound cheesy throughout this post though--I do know that Christmas isn't about what you wear or what music you listen to or what you're giving/getting. I know it's about presents the birth of our Savior. HOWEVER these are three ways to make it feel a little more like the Christmas season x) 

1) Listen to Christmas music

I love Christmas  music!! Lately I've been listening to the above album, Michael Bublé's Christmas album, because it really isn't Christmas without Michael Bublé. x) 

2) Wear red and green

I don't have a lot of red clothing actually, for some strange reason, but I've got a lot of green! So I'm adding some red in there by painting my nails (very badly, but oh well) and wearing red Christmas socks and BAM I'm a walking Christmas tree :)

(Oh, also, the peppermint mocha at Starbucks = 👌) 

3) Go Christmas-light hunting

Did this with my family the other night, and wow, Christmas lights are beautiful!! Sometimes I have to stay at school until late, and so people are already turning on their lights when I'm driving home, and I take the long route through the residential areas on my way home just so I can see them all. 
It's the little things :)

What are you doing to get in the holiday spirit? 🎄 Merry Christmas, you guys!!


  1. Christmas lights are the best things of ever. Somehow my family usually drives places in the evenings, so it's always cool to see all the lights. Christmas is so beautiful <3 And YES to red and green! I've literally been only wearing those two colors (and black & white) lately. Merry Christmas!

    1. Aren't they beautiful?? I'm not a huge fan of the projection lights though, which seem to be in this year... x)
      Aah, Christmas is so wonderful.
      Merry Christmas, Autumn!! <3

  2. I drove around with my family looking at the lights yesterday it was wonderful! Your nails are wonderful! I didn't get around to painting mine but I might later today! MERRY CHRISTMAS!

    1. Good Christmas lights feel pretty magical x) Thank you!!

  3. I looooooooooooove your blog ❤❤❤❤❤❤ 👌👌👌👌👌

  4. I feel a little late commenting on this, seeing that it's after Christmas... BUT OH WELL. :P Christmas is such a lovely time. I actually had a peppermint mocha today, hehe. It's always fabulous.

    And yes to Christmas lights! My family and I used to go on Christmas light hunts Some houses are so fancy nowadays -- connected with the radio and music and it's crazy. o.O

    I hope your new year is fantastic! <3 Thanks for being so awesome. :D

    katie grace
    a writer's faith
