Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Hello March

February has come and gone so scarily quickly. And it was a good month! Valentine's Day happened, so as you can imagine, February was full of pink and sparkles and candy. Which is totally cool with me x). I spent a lot of time with friends, I spent a lot of time studying and preparing myself for the SAT in a few weeks, and I spent a lot of time drinking coffee and actually w r i t i n g. 

A NOTE FOR THE WRITING WORLD: I have characters for a new book. I have a setting. I have the names and the pet peeves and a few random, but awesomely-artistic sentences I plan on including. 
I have no plot. And I can't for the life of me think of one. So far, I've got a bunch of people (well thought-out people, because since I can't think of a plot I spend more time developing characters) in a small town doing.... nothing. They just sit there and I must think of something for them to do before it kills me. BECAUSE I FEEL BAD they must be so bored, just sitting, nothing to do...


//spiced chai


//black coffee


//new notebooks


//Ben Rector

//night driving

//more rain

//reading the Magnificat every day

//have I mentioned rain?? it rained so so much this month.


//going to coffee shops with my brother

//the annual Junior/Senior breakfast (which involved the Juniors coming to school super early in pajamas and making waffles xD) 

//I got accepted to the summer program for this college I really want to go to!

//rehearsal rehearsal rehearsal

//driving at night through super heavy rain with my brothers, singing loud and off-key

//making brownies with my grandma

//ordering at McDonalds with my brother in British accents

//sitting and talking on a patio with some of my closest friends late into the night



  1. *waves* hello! I think this is my first time commenting here :)

    Oh no! I have characters and setting but no plot a lot as well :P I think it's helpful to ask what these characters need to learn, or what is the worst possible situation for them to be in, and put them in it. (then proceed to be cruel to your characters. Some writers are really good at it -- I'm not one of them ;-) )

    Your February sounds awesome! Rain is soooo cool.


    audrey caylin

    1. HI AUDREY!

      Agh, the no-plot problems!! So annoying, but your advice is good! Thanks for that, it'll definitely be helpful x) Haha my level of cruelty to my characters depends on how much coffee I've had tbh xP I try to be nice, and sometimes I love my characters too much to be mean.

      I know, I love rain!! But we've had a extremely unusual amount for Southern California. I like it, it's been nice!

      Thanks for reading!
