Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Nice to Meet You

It's easy to lose yourself in college. 

I was reading a blog post this morning by a girl who just finished her freshman year at a big UC school. This sentence popped up and got me thinking. In order to lose yourself, you have to have found yourself before, or at least have a decent understanding of who you are. 

I wanted to get it out there--who I am at the moment, my somewhat blurry understanding of who I am as an individual and as a child of God. I wanted the internet to witness this, in case I do lose sight of myself for a bit in college (which I pray won't happen, but I have a feeling it will to some degree). 

So, as of June, 2018, summer after high school graduation, this is who I think I am. 

I am awkward but I am happy. I care too much about what people think of me and that gets me into trouble sometimes. I write but not enough. I wear flannel and t-shirts and my favorite physical feature is my eyes, which are not a consistent color and I think that's really cool. I have loved the color pink since I saw the movie Funny Face for the first time. Trust issues is not, nor do I think it will ever be a problem for me, as I am generally too trusting but I actually like that about myself. However, I have learned to keep my mouth shut about some things. 
I love to smile, as I believe they are contagious and I like making others smile more than anything. I am serious about my faith, but still probably not enough. My sweet tooth will be the death of me. 
I want to travel the world, but don't want a one-way ticket because I love home too much. I want to meet people and drink exotic teas and eat different foods and take pictures. I want to take a lot of pictures so I can bring that little bit of reality home with me as a memory. I want to write about everything I see.
I want to make people proud. This is the biggest fear of mine, that the people I care most about will be disappointed in me. 

I never want to lose sight of God. If I lose sight of who I think I am, it won't matter as much to me as losing sight of Him. This is the most important part of who I am, the fact that I am this way only because He created me to be this way. If I change in college, as long as my existence still glorifies the Creator, I'll be fine. 


  1. love love love this <3 "In order to lose yourself, you have to have found yourself before" <---- THAT made me thing. I've never thought about it in that way before, and honestly it makes sense.

    Congrats on graduating! (also you're really pretty :)

    1. Thank you thank you thank you!! You're so sweet.
