Saturday, March 25, 2017

Q&A With Myself (...)

I was very productive this morning. I did all my math homework, wrote a 450 word paper on Dante's Purgatorio, and weeded the yard with my dad and brothers. I thought my chores and homework would take basically all day, but nope. So I was looking for something to do AND THEN I realized I hadn't posted on here in a while. I considered writing out a long post on homeschooling (which is coming btw), but then I saw this tag Q&A on Vanessa's blog and decided to do this instead. Because WHY NOT I ASK YOU. 

*quick disclaimer: i tend to not take myself too seriously in these kinds of things, so i ask that you don't either x)*

1// What are you wearing?

leggings and a gray t-shirt

2// Have you ever been in love?

i like to say that writing is my first love

3// Have you ever had a terrible breakup?

well no, writing and i are still going strong

4// How tall are you?

i'm 5 feet 7 inches of pure unbridled sarcasm

5// How much do you weigh?

i'm told i'm light. i think 107?

6// Any tattoos?

nope, but if i were to get one, which i probably wont, i'd get a bass clef on the inside of my wrist. i dunno why. (this is why i'm not getting a tattoo)

7// Any piercings?

just my ears

8// OTP? 

bacon and syrup xD

9// What is your favorite show?

Gilmore Girls

10// Who are your favorite bands?

OH MY GOSH Imagine Dragons, The Beatles, some of Mumford and Sons, R5, Amber Run, sometimes Switchfoot, and can I say Ed Sheeran too...?

11// Something you miss?

i miss being little

12// Favorite song?

really into "Galway Girl" by Ed Sheeran at the moment

13// How old are you?

old enough to drive, not old enough to drive well.

i'm seventeen

14// Zodiac sign?


15// Quality you look for in a partner?

if he's interesting enough that i could write a good size novel about him, he's in good shape. 

also he has to be willing to cook because i burn everything. x)

16// What is your favorite quote?

oh my gosh, i always know what my favorite quote is until someone asks me this. but i really like, "i am a pencil in the hand of God." 

17// Who is your favorite actor?

Audrey Hepburn

18// Favorite color?

all the different shades of blue or purple

19// Loud music or soft?

it honestly depends

20// Where do you go when you're sad?

my room

21// How long does it take you to shower?

too long, my family hates me

22// How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

about 30 minutes, not including eating breakfast.

23// Have you ever been in a physical fight?

me and my brothers beat each other up a lot. i always lose. 

24// Turn ons?

if you are bacon i will love you forever...

25// Turn offs?

if you are not bacon i may not love you

26// The reason you joined the blogging community?

because i realized how special it is to have a group of such amazing people to do the whole blogging-thing with <3

27// Fears?

that someday society might forget the amazingness that is Veggie Tales

28// Last thing that made you cry?

29// Last time you said you loved someone?

i think i said it to my dad last night before i went to bed

30// Meaning behind your blog name?

i know i'm supposed to have some deep, inspiring reason behind my blog name, but honestly i just thought it sounded cool.

31// Last book you read? 

A Swiftly Tilting Planet by Madeleine L'Engel

32// Book you're currently reading?

Many Waters by Madeleine L'Engel

33// Last show you watched?

I think Friends

34// Last person you talked to?

my mom

35// Relationship between you and the last person you texted?

best friend

36// What is your favorite food?


37// Place you want to visit?


38// Last place you were? backyard? yes? does that answer the question? i don't understand this question...

39// Do you have a crush?


40// Last time you kissed someone? 

i think i kissed my little sister on the head

41// Last time you were insulted?

this morning when i was weeding with my brothers. they like to make jokes about my laziness.

42// Favorite flavor or sweet? 

all of them except cherry and grape

43// What instrument do you play?

i can stumble my way around a piano

44// Favorite piece of jewelry? 

my miraculous medal

45// Last sport you played? 


46// Last song you sang?

literally was just humming "Daughters" by John Mayer

47// Favorite pick-up line?

sup *winks with both eyes*

48// Have you ever used it? 

only on my friends, who will appreciate the idiocy of it with me

49// Last time you hung out with someone?


50// Who should answer these questions next? 

anyone who wants to!!

Friday, March 17, 2017

In Which I Finish Draft Two and Print a Book.

So I finished the second draft of my novel. It's so so vERY MESSY, but I decided I was sick of staring at a computer screen and reading the manuscript over and over and making edits this way... so I took the funner* path and printed it up all fancy and official! 

*would like to mention that autocorrect didn't even try to correct me here. Funner if officially a word. 

The story itself? Messy. Incomplete. Plot holes galore. Every other chapter makes me cringe. And it's really short (40K words I think). BUT it's a lot of fun to see my story in actual book form. I can put it on my shelf with all my other books. I'm [unofficially] up there right next to Jane Austen and Ann Rinaldi. It makes my little writer-soul squeal! 

To get it printed, I used Lulu, which is a self-publishing site. It's pretty easy to use, if you're interested, only be careful to make it private if you don't want it to be publicly sold off to the big wide world via Amazon. 

The hardest part was definitely the cover. I don't think I did a very good job on it. It wasn't a very good quality photo so it's slightly blurry...


It's so wild to be able to hold it in your hand and flip through the pages and see the words you've written! 

I also added some notes to myself throughout the chapters...

I feel guilty for never posting anymore!! How're you guys?? Are you going to print out your novels?? (Um YOU SHOULD) 

Happy Saint Patricks Day!! 🍀

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Ah, Holy Jesus (a hymn)

Ah, holy Jesus,
How hast thou offended
That man to judge thee
Hath in hate pretended?

By foes derided
By thine own rejected
O most afflicted!

Who was the guilty?
Who brought this upon thee?
Alas, my treason,
Jesus hath undone thee

'Twas I, Lord Jesus,
I it was denied thee
I crucified thee

:: :: ::

This is one of my favorite Lenten hymns. 

Lent has begun. The forty days before Easter where we prepare our hearts and souls for the wondrous Resurrection of our Savior. It's difficult to keep our focus on Christ in the loud, crazy world we live in. There are distractions all over the place. But especially now in this season of Lent, we should make an extra effort to find some quiet and peace and listen to the voice of God. 


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Hello March

February has come and gone so scarily quickly. And it was a good month! Valentine's Day happened, so as you can imagine, February was full of pink and sparkles and candy. Which is totally cool with me x). I spent a lot of time with friends, I spent a lot of time studying and preparing myself for the SAT in a few weeks, and I spent a lot of time drinking coffee and actually w r i t i n g. 

A NOTE FOR THE WRITING WORLD: I have characters for a new book. I have a setting. I have the names and the pet peeves and a few random, but awesomely-artistic sentences I plan on including. 
I have no plot. And I can't for the life of me think of one. So far, I've got a bunch of people (well thought-out people, because since I can't think of a plot I spend more time developing characters) in a small town doing.... nothing. They just sit there and I must think of something for them to do before it kills me. BECAUSE I FEEL BAD they must be so bored, just sitting, nothing to do...


//spiced chai


//black coffee


//new notebooks


//Ben Rector

//night driving

//more rain

//reading the Magnificat every day

//have I mentioned rain?? it rained so so much this month.


//going to coffee shops with my brother

//the annual Junior/Senior breakfast (which involved the Juniors coming to school super early in pajamas and making waffles xD) 

//I got accepted to the summer program for this college I really want to go to!

//rehearsal rehearsal rehearsal

//driving at night through super heavy rain with my brothers, singing loud and off-key

//making brownies with my grandma

//ordering at McDonalds with my brother in British accents

//sitting and talking on a patio with some of my closest friends late into the night