Friday, March 17, 2017

In Which I Finish Draft Two and Print a Book.

So I finished the second draft of my novel. It's so so vERY MESSY, but I decided I was sick of staring at a computer screen and reading the manuscript over and over and making edits this way... so I took the funner* path and printed it up all fancy and official! 

*would like to mention that autocorrect didn't even try to correct me here. Funner if officially a word. 

The story itself? Messy. Incomplete. Plot holes galore. Every other chapter makes me cringe. And it's really short (40K words I think). BUT it's a lot of fun to see my story in actual book form. I can put it on my shelf with all my other books. I'm [unofficially] up there right next to Jane Austen and Ann Rinaldi. It makes my little writer-soul squeal! 

To get it printed, I used Lulu, which is a self-publishing site. It's pretty easy to use, if you're interested, only be careful to make it private if you don't want it to be publicly sold off to the big wide world via Amazon. 

The hardest part was definitely the cover. I don't think I did a very good job on it. It wasn't a very good quality photo so it's slightly blurry...


It's so wild to be able to hold it in your hand and flip through the pages and see the words you've written! 

I also added some notes to myself throughout the chapters...

I feel guilty for never posting anymore!! How're you guys?? Are you going to print out your novels?? (Um YOU SHOULD) 

Happy Saint Patricks Day!! 🍀


  1. OMG YAY CONGRATS! The book looks so pretty! And thank you for putting the printing site there!

  2. THAT'S SO AWESOME. I did it with eight of my old (very VERY messy) manuscripts a few months ago. I literally screamed when I got my hands on them and have them all lined up next to my favorite authors' books xD Your cover looks AWESOME. And it is pretty strange to see your own words on PAPER.

    Happy Saint Patrick's Day :D

    audrey caylin

    1. It's so much fun!! Isn't it bizarre to see it all printed like that?
      Happy Saint Patrick's Day!! <3

  3. Ahh!!! It's so pretty and awesome! Congrats. :)

  4. GIRL IT LOOKS SO GOOD!!!!! I printed out an old manuscript a while back, and I read through it and CRINGED SO MUCH, but it was so cool! I'm trying to figure out if I'm going to edit my novel that I'm working on finishing now first or print it straight away.


    1. YAY THANK YOU!! I know, this draft is TOTALLY cringe-worthy, but it's still fun to make it into a book x)

      YOU TOO!!

  5. THIS IS SO COOL! I'd love to do this at some point.
