Sunday, August 5, 2018

"We don't care"

We have a generation that is deaf to the calling of the conscience. 

We have a generation that thinks life can only be lived while we're young, while we're crazy, while we're naive and reckless. 

We have a generation that thinks there won't be consequences, there won't be a mess to clean up, there wont be a tomorrow to deal with regret. 

Or maybe we do. We do hear it. We do know. You wouldn't think we do, but we do. But we just don't care. 

It's all about the now. It's all about living quickly and stupidly because that's what makes memories. It's about ignoring the tug of conscience in the pit of your stomach and saying "we don't care what happens, we just want to have fun." 

We don't care. About the future, about the people around us, about our wellbeing. We're just here for the ride. 

We hear the call of the conscience. We aren't deaf. But we ignore it. And that makes it so much worse. 

Why don't we care? 

This generation is passionate, but not about anything in particular. We are passionate about not caring, not thinking, acting on our momentary lapse of adrenaline and a rush we feel when we don't care. 

We could be so much more. 

We could care. We could care about the world around us, what's going on. We could care about our own futures, how our actions today affect our tomorrows. We could care about the people around us and be selfless and help those who have helped us, instead of thinking only of ourselves. 

This idea that we need to live our lives in a reckless, stupid way, only thinking of having a good time and not caring about what happens, is popular because it feels freeing in the moment. But in reality it's holding us back. 

Be more than that. Be a strong, lasting influence, not a short-lived moment of a false idea of freedom. That dies so quickly. Selfishly not caring dies so quickly. 

Have more concern than that. Be stronger than that. Have pride in who you are and what you can do to be a positive impact on the world. 


  1. Being the person who cares rather than not is something we should all strive for. YOUR WORDS ARE REAL. Feels like there are lots of people who think like this now that you bring it up. Let's change that!

  2. This post holds so much truth. So many people need this reminder.

  3. This is so important and a message that should be so much more widely promoted. Thank you for sharing and doing your part <3
