Friday, April 14, 2017

Snow Day Photo Shoot

So I'm actually not in California at the moment: I'm on the East Coast for Easter break! I know that's a little backwards, most people go to warm places in April, but I live in a warm place and wanted to experience real seasons x) 

Yesterday we spent the day in Maine and there was snow everywhere! And I haven't seen snow in at least ten years, so my siblings and I were very excited, and I took some pictures. The birch trees were extra aesthetic.  

I have another surprise that I'll post when I get back to SoCal. Happy Easter, everyone!! <3


  1. OH wow. That is kinda a backward thing (going somewhere cold over spring break) But hey, why not? That looks like a fun place to be!

  2. The snow! I love snow so much but I have never properly seen it before.

    1. Oh I hope you get to experience it someday, I love it!
