Friday, June 9, 2017

my summer list

So I remembered recently that last year I made a list of all the things I took away from Sophomore year. But I really don't want to do that again because I feel like this year I just relearned all those things lol. 
Plus this past year was insane. And now it's over and so I'd like to keep moving forward into a slightly less crazy summer.
And I have goals.

Obviously I have the big goals. Get a job, write my college application essays and get those in, get ready for the summer program I'm attending, start plotting/writing my next story (so far it's just got an aesthetic board on Pinterest but that's plotting, right??). But I also have some smaller goals. These aren't so much goals as they are "Things to Do to Recover from the Monstrosity that was Junior Year." The year was so go go go, and I want to get myself back into the habit of doing the little things to take care of myself and sort of reconnect with life and just slooow down.

Here are some of them:

//find new coffee shops near me


//go to the beach


//climb a tree

//make tea extra hot and feel the steam on my face

//branch out music-wise

//drive with the windows down

//write and enjoy it


//eat healthier

//let my hair grow long

//go to bed earlier

//light sparklers


//go to the fair

//spend more time with my favorite people

//sit and breathe a while


  1. YES PINTEREST AESTHETIC BOARDS DEFINITELY COUNT AS PLOTTING. *nods convincingly* omg I'm intensely plotting my NaNoWriMo novel and I'M SO PUMPED FOR IT and I feel like November is so far away. :''') BUT SUMMER IS AWESOME I LOVE IT. Anyway, enough about me. These goals are so lovely!! I want to make a habit of some of these myself. Especially going to bed early and reading <333 because BOOKS.

    I hope you have a fabulous summer, Abby!

    rock on,

    1. YASSS IF PEOPLE AGREE IT CAN'T BE WRONG, RIGHT? *sweats nervously* NaNo is so exciting!! I'm hoping to be able to do it this year, but I'm not sure what my schedule will be like in November :/ Usually I do Camp NaNo in case I can't do it in November but I CHICKENED OUT THIS YEAR WHYYYYY

      So glad you like them! Lately I've been making myself wake up earlier, which is one I didn't put on the list, but I still haven't mastered going to bed early, so that basically equals no sleep. Oops.

      Have an awesome summer!! <3
