Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Small Adventures

I haven't traveled the world yet. 

But I have cut across fields in my bare feet and shorts, the weeds scratching my ankles, as I ran to catch up to the others. I saw the stars just beginning to blink themselves awake and the hills that met the sky. I felt the wind as I ran, the cold air, and that feeling of pure joy. 

I've driven around town in the dark. The street lights glaring down, the traffic lights reflected in the raindrops that hit my windshield. I felt the hum of the engine, and sang along to the radio as I watched unfamiliar streets go by. 

I've sat alone in new cafes, glued to the laptop as I wrote. I've seen the different people come in and out, a part of my life for a moment and then gone. I've listened to the background music above the sound of conversation, the coffee grinder and the peaceful tap, tap, tap of my fingers on the keyboard. 

I don't need to travel the world, not yet anyway. I don't want to think I'm not really living just because I haven't seen all the wonders of the world. I know what the stars look like at 2 AM. I know the sounds of the waves crashing on the beach. I've seen unfamiliar city lights in the distance. I've tried new foods at local restaurants, I know the pain you get in your stomach from laughing too hard. I know how to go on an adventure without leaving town. 

It's good practice for when I actually do travel the world. 

But for now, it's my small adventures that are making me happy. :)


  1. ABBY!!! YOU COULDNT BE MORE RIGHT. I have the feels right now because you've reminded me of some of my favorite things about the place I live in. These words are so great

    1. <333 VANESSA!!! So sweet, I'm so happy you connected with this.
