Wednesday, February 14, 2018

First Day of Lent Thoughts...

I went to my first high school winter formal over the past weekend. I helped put it on, actually, and it was a ton of work, but the outcome was worth it. I had so many of my favorite people in one place, and we all dressed up and took horrid quality photos and danced till our muscles ached. 

There's a certain glow that is added to life once you find the right relationships with people. Once you take a step back and look at all the friendships you've made, and think yes, THESE are the ones I want in my life forever. Not all friendships work out, but once you've gotten to a point where you realize, wow, this isn't going anywhere... they're here to stay... that's a beautiful feeling. These are the people I want to have good conversations with, people I want to laugh with and walk through life's obstacles with. People I want to take ridiculously bad looking pictures with, and see new places with, and explore new memories with.

We don't have to find them right away. Often it takes a lifetime to find your good relationships and build a good group of friends. And I'm not naive; I know that even though it feels like the friendships I have now are forever, I know that life happens and they may not last. But it's so nice to just think about who is in your life NOW, who is making your life a happier one. 

This is something I have discovered with my relationship with God recently as well. The people in my life, even if it feels like the perfect, life-long friendship, could leave someday. But my friendship with God is truly the perfect, everlasting relationship. So I want to spend time this Lent building it up. I want my friendship with God to be a meaningful one, one that becomes not just a part of my life, but IS my life. 

This is what I'm working on this Lent. I'm spending more time with God. 


  1. I'm glad that you are having a good lent so far. Yes friends that stay around for life are the best. I have this dream of finding forever friends in blogging to. I don't know how unreal that it is but sometimes I can see us writing out our lives as we grow old together. At least being in some contact.

    I am glad you are spending more time with God. I have been leaning on Him a lot lately after have spending time growing with Him. It's helping. ILY girl!

    1. Blogger friends 4 life x)

      I'm so glad! I love spending time with God. Love you too.
