Saturday, July 20, 2019

simple summertime

2:33 pm. 

Passenger seat of a beat-up Volkswagen, sitting on a towel because the leather seat burned my legs. Nike shorts and a bathing suit, bare feet, tangled hair down. Windows down, 85 degrees, scrunched noses burnt pink. Freckles and sparkle eyes and no makeup. Speaker blares country music and our lungs tighten from singing and laughing. Limbs tired from an eight hour work day, but shoulders are light and relaxed because the beach is ahead. 

Bathed in steady, California sunlight, it was a near perfect moment. A moment that felt like the stereotypical summer you see high schoolers having in the movies. A moment away from work, from adulting, from college, from thinking about the future. 

One drive. We drove from work to the ocean. A healthy dose of happiness to brighten my life. 

It's that simple. Happiness comes in the small things. 

summer 2k19 has been moments like this. small happy moments amongst a messy, messy life. but the small happy moments make the messy ones seem less messy. 


  1. I love that lat little line. Happiness comes in small things. It's true. There is so much to worry about but when we just step back and look at the little moments that make us smile it seems better.
