Tuesday, December 13, 2016


Isaiah 40:31

You know that feeling? 
When you're waiting for something? 
And sometimes it comes quickly
But most times
It doesn't
And you're waiting.
And you're waiting. 
And... you're waiting...

And you want to scream
Because it's so hard
And your patience has worn so thin
You're scared it will snap. 

And you're scared to wait for something
You know may never happen
Because it's come to that point
Where you're not sure it will.

It feels like looking across the ocean
Trying to see past the horizon

And it's hard
And it's painful sometimes
And you just want 
To stop waiting

Reading this now
Are picturing your own situation
Because everyone's waiting for something. 

But God tells us to 

Why do we have to wait? 

Why do we have to live with that thought
"Not today.
Maybe someday
But not today." 

I don't know
What you're waiting for
But just know this: 

God is worth the wait.


In this season of Advent, we are waiting for the birth of Christ. We are waiting for the wonderful Second Coming. We wait throughout our lives, preparing our hearts and our souls. And I know that sometimes our patience can wear down, but just know that it's going to be worth it x)



  1. ASDFGHJKL! I love this. I think I get to excited when I read good poems! "And it's hardAnd it's painful sometimes And you just want To stop waiting" TRUE
