Thursday, December 1, 2016

Hello December

'Tis the season to be jolly. x) 

Seriously though, December is the BEST MONTH EVERRRR and if it snowed in SoCal, it would be even more epic. But people are still going to the beach down here. I want snow. 

(It's very sad how weak SoCal-ians are actually. It was 60 degrees at school the other day and everyone was wrapped up in big jackets and complaining about the freezing weather.


I did not do NaNo, and I'm immensely grateful I didn't, because school is taking up everything these days. Junior Year is slowly killing me and if I die just know that I loved you all. 
Although I'm hoping I'll be able to do it next year. AND I got a new story idea a few days ago...? And this happens a lot, where I get a new idea and obsess over it for a bit and then forget about it, but this time I mean it!! (But who knows, really.) 

November was.....

//peppermint mochas


//giving thanks


//walking along the beach

//bright sunsets

//long drives




//cookie dough


//big flannels


Favorite November Moments....

//singing Christmas carols in the car

//going to see Dr. Strange with friends and then to a bonfire

//watching all four parts of the new Gilmore Girls season in one day with my cousin

//playing the alphabet game in the car with my brother and cousins

//turning seventeen 

//waffles and tea on my birthday... x)

//the fall dance

//getting multiple new mugs to add to my collection

//W R I T I N G

//reading The Lunar Chronicles

Overall, November was pretty great, full of lazy days and waffles and hot drinks, which is always good :) 
How was your November?


  1. EEEP IT SOUNDS LIKE YOUR NOVEMBER WAS LOVELY. :') Now I really want some cookie dough and waffles and peppermint mocha. <333 OOH YOU'RE READING THE LUNAR CHRONICLES? Are you enjoying them?? Cress is my favorite. I devoured it in like one day. xD YOU CAN SURVIVE THIS JUNIOR YEAR I PROMISE. *sends you chocolate* Also to help with story ideas that attack out of nowhere. I KNOW THE FEELING, BRO. :') Also waaah send some of that 60 degree weather up to VT would ya?? BECAUSE I'M COLDDDD.


    1. XD IT WAS! And the Lunar Chronicles are so good!! YASSS Cress was so good, haha, but the one I devoured in one day was definitely Cinder x) *accepts chocolate with happiness* THANK YOU, LOVE!! Yes, major story attack, lol. DUDE, CAN WE JUST LIKE SWITCH WEATHERS?? I will SO take your Vermont snow right now!!


  2. Your November sounds absolutely wonderful!!!!!!!! I REALLY WANT COOKIE DOUGH NOW.
