Monday, February 6, 2017

In Which I Freak Out for a Few Minutes.

Why is college so STRESSFUL LIKE I don't ever want to think about but I gots to cuz I gots to go someday and I have legit nothing figured out and I'll probably end up sitting in some hole drinking Lipton tea and singing I Dreamed a Dream at the top of my sad little lungs. 

Hello there. 

I have to sign up for the SAT today. It's in a month and I haven't started prepping myself, honestly because I forgot. And I found out that my first choice of colleges cares most about the essay and math portions, which are probably going to be my two worst portions. I took the CLT twice, both times doing not so hot on math. The CLT is technically an SAT substitute, but I did so badly on the math that I'm just at that point where the stress is eating me alive but not really because I still have a little bit of sanity left. 

(I probably shouldn't be blogging right now. I doubt it's a good idea when I'm in this state. I can barely form coherent sentences.) 

So I'm basically here to beg for prayers?? Seriously, I would appreciate it so much. Also, if anyone out there has already taken the SAT and survived... tips?? Or just tips on how to handle stress better?? Anything works at this point. 

(I just drank a giant cup of tea. It had a lot of sugar. This post may just be a result of that.) 


  1. "I'll probably end up sitting in some hole drinking Lipton tea and singing I Dreamed a Dream at the top of my sad little lungs. " << SAME GIRL SAME

    Ughhhh I feel you, the stress is so real. Praying for you!


      Thanks so much, love, praying for you too <33

  2. Girl, I feel you! STRESS AND SCHOOL ARE QUITE HARD. #lifeofastudent

    God's got you <3 (AND TEA IS ALWAYS A GOOD IDEA YES)
