Thursday, February 23, 2017

lets go anywhere


we wanted to be the sky

we wanted to soar

to be free

to be all the colors we could think of

and then some

we found here

and we never wanted to leave

the wild and the chaos

mixed with the beauty and the love

and it was not peaceful

and our souls were aflame 

it was wonderland

and we never wanted to leave

we just wanted

to go anywhere

and ignore reality for a little while

never grow older

day by day

year by year

and we wanted to stay

amidst the wild hearts

and the honeydew grasses

and the smiling flowers

where reason has no place

and rhyme is the favored language

lets go anywhere

because if you don't know where you are going

any road

will take you to wonderland

I think nonsense poetry is becoming my "thing". I promise I'm going to do a real post soon x)