Sunday, February 21, 2016

Ashes and Dust (a poem that makes no sense whatsoever).

Who wants to read a dramatic poem with no meaning? 
You guys are so chill. 

Ashes and Dust

by me

A lonely wanderer through time
With nowhere left to go
The fruit of poison
Catches fire in your throat
And it burns
Oh it burns
And the midnight rain comes thundering
Down the mighty path
To the windy lands of Ulysses and them

But show me ashes! show me dust!
Show me this creation!
Give me flaws, give me flames
Give me tides to hold back
And show me all the ashes
Of flags that we once waved.

My English class just finished reading the poem "Ulysses" and so I was like, oooh, I shouldn't try to write something like this. It would end up horrid. 

And yet, I sat down and this happened. 

I wanted to write a poem called "Ashes and Dust," because that's how I work; I come up with the titles first and work around them. Not the best plan, but I've gotten some interesting stuff with that method. 
So yeah, I basically threw a bunch of dramatic lines together. 
Thank you.