Thursday, March 24, 2016

I died for a week but I'm back now.

Guuuyyyyyys it's my first day of Easter break how great is that?? 
I'm also sick because the universe hates me. 

Yesterday I was talking with my amazing friend/writing critique, and I went on a mini-rant because we somehow got onto the topic of writing letters and I was complaining because nobody writes letters anymore!! Remember when you were little and iPhones weren't a thing and you would write letters to your friends and then get super super excited when they replied and you would keep those letters for years? Remember that?? You can't replace that with a text or a screenshot, it's too special. 

I was lucky enough to have had a childhood filled with letters and imagination and bruises instead of one filled with screens and how many "likes" a picture gets. 

Why don't we write those gorgeous, flowery letters anymore, with the wax seals and all that?? People don't even read anymore! Neither did the dinosaurs, and look what happened to them! 
(Btw, I didn't come up with that line on my own, I'm not that clever ;p)

It's a gorgeous day to be in Southern California. 

You can see the ocean from my porch! And I really want to chop down that telephone pole right now... 

And we are now in the Holy Triduum, the three days before Easter (and it's actually four days because the Jews counted days weird and it's playing with my brain). Have a happy Easter when it gets here! And I recommend watching The Passion of the Christ, the one with Mel Gibson and Jim Caviezel (whom I've met multiple times because I went to school with his kids and I feel like I say that too much BUT IT'S TRUE) on Good Friday because that movie is so powerful and I watch it every year. 



  1. Happy Spring Break! Those pictures are so pretty, you have such a cool view!!!! I hope you get well soon!

  2. I'm sorry you're sick! Gosh, I really wish people still wrote letters, too. I loved that.

    1. I love writing letters! I have this quill and ink set that I write letters with and its so much fun x)
