Friday, April 1, 2016

Hello April.

Easter break has been good to me. Also I'm really in love with the above picture....


I did more in March than I did in both February and January put together I think. I read a ton this month. I also started writing again. I'd kind of stopped after November and was just planning on giving myself December as a break from writing because of the holidays and exams and stuff, but it's hard to get back in the habit once you've stopped. But I've actually been writing again, which is nice. 
Also, driving update: I'm getting better. It's gotten to the point where I can just be driving my dad somewhere and my sister will be reading in the backseat and my dad's listening to the radio and all he has to do is give me directions... I mean, there have been mishaps, like, I freaked out in the Whole Foods parking lot and accidentally almost hit the curb... BUT OTHER THAN THAT I'm getting better at it. My biggest problem at this point is speed because I don't like to go faster than 45 MPH but sometimes it's required to go faster because this is California. And I don't like that. I can do it, I juts don't like it and there's a higher chance of me freaking out. I can technically get my license this month. I dunno though....
I also took the National Latin Exam. And I'm trying to decide what language to take next year, but I'm thinking about continuing Latin. Not sure yet. 
And then there was Easter, of course, and guys, my trashcan is filled with candy wrappers. Not even joking, it's a little sad. But I had a good Easter. 
I'm also in my school production of My Fair Lady. And that's happening next month. And rehearsals have been getting longer and more frequent and we have costumes now and it's feeling more real and not just like it's a bunch of teenagers goofing around. But I am telling you, my school is probably the only school where you can go outside during recess and hear a bunch of teenage boys singing the My Fair Lady soundtrack while playing basketball. In multiple parts too, bass and tenor and all that. It's quite impressive. If this is a regular thing at your school too, let me know so I don't feel alone in this x). 

So as you can see, my March was much more productive than the previous few months. And I have a feeling that April will be fairly productive too, seeing as we're nearing the end of the school year. I think January and February are just boring months and that's why I did nothing... 

How was your March?


  1. Congratulations on the driving!! I'm still way too terrified to drive....gosh.'re brave. I took a little Latin, and I couldn't handle it. It was evil.

    SAME. Easter candy is seriously the best.

    Ahhhhh My Fair Lady!!! That's so exciting!! I love what you said about the guys randomly singing xD That occasionally happens at my school, but it sounds like your guys are a lot more impressive with it haha!

    I hope that you have a wonderful April!

    1. Thanks! I totally understand, driving still terrifies me too, ugh!!

      Hahaha Latin is so evil! But I think it's my best option for next year. Switching to another language when you're not finished with your first seems stressful to me x)

      GAH SNICKERS!!! I'm so sick of Milky Ways at this point, I ate so many!

      IKR! I'm super excited xD. Hahahha it happens so often too, it's scary! They actually sound pretty good lol! Okay, that makes me feel better,knowing that happens at other places too x)

      YOU TOO!!
