Saturday, April 9, 2016

In which I make a list and discuss the meaning of life.

Life suddenly got so much harder.

Seriously, I thought I had gotten used to this whole tenth grade thing, seeing as it's April now, but life decided to kick it up a notch. I'm so freaking busy!! (Read: I'm giving poor excuses for not blogging right now!!) I literally was staying after school every day this week, and often I couldn't leave school until 5 PM! School gets out at 2:45... Play rehearsals have gotten waaay more time consuming, and since we're not going to have a tech week we have to figure out all the transitions and the props and all the little things now and it's quite stressful and guys I'm so busy I don't even understand. I also have homework and tests and exams in the near future. 

I can technically get my drivers license this month, but I'M SO BUSY I DON'T KNOW IF I HAVE TIME because I still also have to take one more driving lesson but my schedule is so booked. Not even weekends, guys. Not even weekends are free anymore. No more freedom. I really want my license, but I think it's going to have to wait. But in the meantime, I've been practicing a lot. I've been driving my brothers and my parents around and stuff... I recently drove my friend and myself to school. Because she decided she trusts me xD. 

So here's a list of some things I've learned this week: 

  • I get more things done with music. 
  • Multitasking is a necessary skill if you want to get through life. 
  • I can multitask, when needed.
  • Pop-tarts are wonderful. Even untoasted, they're just on point. 
  • When you're stressed, everything suddenly gets feels thousand times worse than it is.
  • A nice thing to do if you're stressed/anxious, watch TV at night in comfortable clothes whilst eating ice cream straight from the container. 
  • Sleep is such a magical, wonderful thing, which I haven't been getting a ton of lately. 
  • I need to learn to let go of things that, in the long-run, don't matter. 
  • Ed Sheeran is just my favorite. 
  • Childhood is not something you can get back, unfortunately. 
  • Worms are a lot more complicated than they look. I dissected a foot-long earthworm in biology this week. 
  • The My Fair Lady soundtrack is perfection. 
....Turns out I learned a lot this week. And I'm having trouble in math, as you can tell from that last point. 
But, life is a learning experience. I try to learn things everywhere I go, because our experiences are our stories, and I think that's why I chose the above quote: "Don't forget, nobody else sees the world the way you do, so nobody has the stories you have to tell." I can honestly say that I've learned many things the hard way. But it's good that we all learn from our experiences. Whether I'm singing "The A Team" in the rain with my friends or dying in Geometry class or lying on my bed staring at the ceiling and reliving a bad day, I try to learn from the people around me and from the things I go through each day. 

I'm not saying you should try to find a silver lining in every situation, because sometimes that's a hard thing to do, but we all learn from our mistakes and our experiences. 
But silver linings are good too. But that's not necessarily what I'm talking about right now. 

I need tea because it poured today, and I was at school for many hours for play rehearsal, and I got soaked and teenager drama and my shoes are all muddy and I ate too many pretzels, if there is such a thing as too many pretzels. 
And that's why I need tea, yes. 


  1. ...I swear we're the same person.

    Oh my gosh, you aren't getting to have a tech week?? That's horrible!!! Like...I can't put into words the agony I currently feel for you.

    Pop-tarts, sleep, and Ed Sheeran. All ya ever need!! Ugh, geometry is the WORST. As is teenager drama.

    This whole post. I get you.



      I know! I never realized how necessary tech weeks are until we didn't have one...

      Amen! Ikr, teenager drama and geometry feel so unnecessary x)

      THANK YOU it feels so good to have someone to relate to!! XD

