Monday, June 8, 2015

Photo Dump

We went down by the ocean today, and it is so wildly different than the Pacific. First we walked on this beautiful forest-like path. 

SO GREEN!!!!!!!!! It's like the concept of a drought is a fairytale here. 
My shoes on the path. 

Penguin ran through this, and it reminded me of all those stories about fairies living in the tall green grass I used to read when I was little. 

"I like that boulder. That is a nice boulder." --Donkey from Shrek 

(I know, that's not really a boulder, but that quote was the first thing that came to mind.) 
Robbie's shoes are insulting to tigers. Many apologies to all you tigers. (Mainly Hobbs cuz he's the best tiger) 

Then we found an old quarry. 

It was filled with water and it was beautiful. 


I just like the lighting in this one. Nothing special about that sign. 

Then we walked down some (real) boulders to the ocean. 

No sand, no beach; all rocks, which was pretty cool. 
I just like taking pictures of my feet. It's not weird. Dont judge. 
Me, Blaze, Penguin, Lilian, my dad, and my grandpa all climbed to the top of that mountain. It's a lot bigger than it looks. How Lilian climbed it will forever be a mystery. 
Outside the living room window. (AKA random picture from this morning.) 

It's so cool to be back in Red Sox country. I'm used to being that one Boston fan in LA, but now I'm surrounded by my people xDD. 

Also I'm starting to get a few mosquito bites. Super annoying. 
My right ear is still weird and congested from the plane. Also annoying. It feels waterlogged, like I just got out of the pool. 

I'll be back again soon with even more pictures. 


  1. UGH it's so lovely and green!! It looks like a lot of fun :)
    I loved your line about how drought is a fairytale. EXACTLY.
    Yay Red Sox!
    Have the best time!!!

    1. isn't it just so breathtaking??
      haha thanks, i felt pretty clever after coming up with that line ;)
      dude, the Red Sox are not good this year, but still YAYAYAY XD cuz we're Boston ppl and it would be horrible to say that they're anything short than AWESOME, am i right? ;p
      I will!!! <3

    2. You should have, it was perfect ;)
      I know. It's very very sad. But they are still FANTABULOUS! ;p

      By the way, it was super awfully torturously hot yesterday. I was dying most of the day. (Okay not literally but it felt like it, hehe.) You should be glad you missed it!

      BUT! It's raining right now!!!!! YESSS!

  2. Legit??? Oh man, the one time we're gone it rains ;p. But I'm glad I missed the heat.
    It's been cloudy and rainy here (here being Maine at this point) but that's nothing new for the locals. I think I'm the only one who's amazed by all of this. It's totally the opposite of that bland, gross gray we had in CA last week. This a way more rainy, east coast-y gray. Much nicer and totally tea worthy :)

    1. I know right ;) But yeah. You should be glad you missed that.
      I can just imagine it! ;p
      How long are you in Maine?

  3. It's gorgeous there!! The beach looks so amazing! What's the weather like there?
    The weather here is really confusing. Cold then hot then cold again. O.o

    1. Pretty cold and a little rain. Lots of clouds. Typical east coast weather. I love it, but locals must be used to it.

    2. Yeah, the weather here has been SUPER confusing! Really sunny and hot, then cool and gray, then rainy...

    3. Dang, hopefully it'll start being more consistent soon. and by consistent i mean, BRING ON THE RAIN!!!!!!!!
