Sunday, June 14, 2015

Can't think of a title... Orange Chicken.

Guess what? 
I'm still in Massachusetts.  
I know, right? 

This is probably the longest we've ever been out here. So far on this trip, I've eaten my fair share of sea food (yum!), read two books (both a good 500 or so pages)(if only I could write as quickly as I read)(I'll do reviews on them later), been to the beach (Atlantic, people!!), and watched two sports movies (yes, I said sports. Don't pretend like you're not shocked. I know you are)(The movies were Chariots of Fire and Hoosiers). 

My parents have sent a lot of pictures from Paris. Am I jealous? Nah. Heh. Heh. Nope. 


Of course I am, look who you're talking to! This is the same girl who drinks tea and reads multiple books on vacation and still would love to wear a ballgown on a daily basis! Of course I want to go to Paris!
Oh that's right, I've been drinking tea, too ;p.

But in all seriousness, I'm not that jealous. I'll get there at some point. As well as Italy. Wouldn't that be awesome?? Italy!
I wish wearing ballgowns on a daily basis was socially acceptable... 

Don't get me wrong, I love love love being out here. Like, I love it. A lot. But I'm starting to miss the Pacific ocean and all my friends and just California in general. I've realized that I don't think I was cut out to be an East Coast girl. I hate mosquitoes, and while snow is beautiful and I wish I could see it again, I don't think I could handle it for multiple months. I mean, nineteen degree weather for what, five months? Mmmm... No thanks. However, I do wish California had all this lush greenness and also, water. Which brings me to my next point: RAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

But I seriously love where I live and will probably live there forever. I love the beach at sunset and the citrus trees everywhere and being able to go outside without the fear of being eaten alive by mosquitoes. (Sorry Massachusetts, but it's true; I hate bugs.) 
But because of my healthy fear of those tiny, buggy vampires, I only have a few bites, while my siblings, who have been outside all day everyday practically, have a LOT. 
I'm fairly satisfied. 

So far, the trip's been awesome. I seriously love coming out here. But it feels good to have something at home that's worth coming back for. It's like a tether, or as someone described it a long time ago, it's my North Star. Like, no matter where I go, I'll always be back.
Did that make sense? Probably not. I'm sane, don't worry. 
Maybe I can bring some of this rain back to California with me. 


  1. YES BRING BACK SOME RAIN! We had a little bit of rain for ONE DAY. Ugh.

    When you get back, we totally need to hang out at the beach the whole day! deal? Deal.

    Come back soon! I miss you!

    1. The rain out here is so beautiful!! i know that sounds weird, but it is!!

      DEAL!!! THE WHOLE FREAKING DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ugh, so hard to wait!!

      Miss you so much!! <3

  2. YES! And we can have dinner there and GOSHDARNIT I'm willing to camp out at the beach if I have to!!! *cough*

    Like Jo said, we only got a little bit for one day. It was really pitiful. :(

    Miss ya!

    1. I WOULD IF IT WAS POSSIBLE!! Ugh all this green makes me think of all the brown back home. so sad. COME BACK RAIN!!

      Actually...I heard we might have a wet fall and winter, with El Nino...fingers crossed ;)

    3. ALL fingers crossed... as well as toes ;ppp

  4. Oh, and I meant to say, I love what you wrote at the end! I feel that way about where I live too. The rain, the lushness, the snow, I mean all that's great, and I wish we had more of it here, but YES I hate the bugs (it's okay Massachusetts, I still love you), and mostly, I love where I live and the people who live there too and GOSH everything! A North Star is the perf way to describe it ;)

    1. Oh, and I think I'd be happy to live here for the rest of my life. Even knowing that feels good, that I'm so "tethered" to this spot ;)

    2. Ikr? it feels so good to have that little (or big) something that keeps you coming home.
