Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Grey Weather Tends to Make Me Write Boring Posts.

So, does it feel like summer yet? 

We've had cloudy days lately, and usually I don't mind that, but the irony of all this grey, cloudy-ness is... ironic. In winter we had some biting cold, windy, grey days, but we also had warm days in February while it was still biting cold, windy, and grey in most places. 
Plus, this kind of cloudy day can be annoying. It's grey and depressing, and usually I don't mind that, but it's not even that cold. It's grey. That's it; just grey. It makes one wonder why we even pretend to have seasons where I live because they all get mixed up anyways. Like, this weather isn't even tea worthy. 

So, I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this before, but we leave for the east coast this Sunday and we stay for twelve days. I'm really excited!! However, I wont be able to work on my story at all while we're up there. Nor will I be able to see my friend from Montana who's visiting California. 
But still, I'm excited. My parents are going on a trip to France while us kids are in MA (I've gotten over it... heh. heh. heh.), but they'll be with us for a few days. While they're gone, we're staying with my dad's family. They have a huge backyard next to a marsh and we're going to a Red Sox game at one point, and going to Boston is the best... 
So, yeah, I'm excited, but I'm also trying to cram in as much writing as I can so I won't worry about it over the next two weeks. 

Speaking of writing, I'm kind of wondering what I'm going to do in November. They say it's better to start NaNo with a clean slate, and I'm not sure I want to do a second draft for my current story. I'll be done with it and in the editing process by the time November rolls around (hopefully), so I'm debating between starting a new story, or doing the second draft of this one. 

(It feels weird to me that this is my biggest problem right now after nine months of stress.) 

I have a few ideas I could do for NaNo if I started with a clean slate. I could do Mist, or the second draft of Claire's story (even though that's not really starting anew). I have some new ideas too. But I'm not sure if I would want to start something new so soon after finishing Miette's story. 

Plus this is my first time doing NaNo, and if I lose, well, I don't like to lose, especially if it's something this big and this important to me. It's kind of a pride thing. 

But. I digress. 

Recently, Blaze and I both got Miraculous Medals; mine from my confirmation sponsor, his from his sixth grade teacher. I was reading about the medal last night, and it is so cool! All the miracles that have occurred because of it, and how Mary appeared to St. Catherine Laboure three times. She is the only saint to have touched Mary. Isn't that awesome?? I was reading about all the lives that have been saved because of the medal and all the conversions that have occurred. It's a beautiful thing. 

What's not so beautiful is Blaze insisting that his is better than mine.
Brothers make life so interesting. 

I mean, if I only had sisters, I would have a lot less bruises and battle scars. 


  1. It's kinda ironic cuz I just posted about how it DOES feel like summer! :) And it did. Yesterday. Here. But there it's probably foggier and grayer. And even here today it's been gray and foggy. (But it WAS gorgeous and sunny! Pics to prove it!!) And like you said, it's not even cold. So it's not a very nice gray. It's just GRAY. Which isn't that much fun. :P

    HAVE SO MUCH FUN! We're going for 12 days too - you're leaving a little bit before we come! ;) Boston will be great! And go Red Sox! (Can you believe I've never actually been to never one of their games?? Ugh.)

    I don't really have any advice about NaNo. :) But I hope you really really like it!! I've done it for two years and it's pretty awesome. I mean, tiring and hard, but awesome. Somehow I've scraped through it to my goal (on the YWP) each time. But I think if I lost I'd feel the same way as you said. Ugh.

    Oh awesome! My mom taught this group last year that studied Mary and they all got Miraculous medals. She has one too. It has such an amazing history!!

    Oh. Yeah. Not so beautiful. Brothers. They add a lot to life! (including bruises)

    And also, I wish I were going to FRANCE!! :)

    1. I know, right?? Living here my whole life, I've kinda come to think of California as weatherless at times. It's such a gross gray! Like, I can't even describe it, but it's really not pleasant.

      Again, I wish our trips overlapped so we could get together at some point! And don't worry about having never been to a Red Sox game, I've never been either xD. But once when I was at the airport, i saw their plane! didn't see any players though...

      I'm kinda nervous, but yeah, since it's my first time, I'll do the YWP and set a reasonably challenging goal, but yet not so challenging it'll cause me to rip out my own... eyelashes... (what)(im tired, can you tell?)

      I know! the one i got is so beautiful, i wear it every day. Blaze's is exactly the same as mine, yet he insists that his is better.

      Yup. Somewhere deep in my conscience, i'm hitting my brothers over the head with a frying pan.
      (Blaze is reading this as i type and now he's telling me what he's doing to ME in HIS conscience.)
      (he's still talking)

      I WANT TO GO TO FRANCE i was kinda mad when i first found out cuz its like a dream of mine to go there. but i mean, im fifteen. i'll get there eventually.

    2. Exactly!!
      Yeah, that would be really cool :) Awesome!! Once there was some wrestler or something on our plane and I had no idea who he was, but there were a bunch of people taking pictures and getting autographs and stuff and I was kinda wondering what was happening ;P
      Haha! Eyelashes would be bad indeed ;) It's okay I'm tired too. Yeah. I really recommend doing that actually. Something that's hard(ish) so it's...well, a CHALLENGE. But manageable. Cuz. You want your eyelashes. And you DO NOT want to lose.
      Haha!! I know the feeling.
      Of course you will!!

  2. Gosh that's really long! I'm sorry! It looked so much shorter when I was typing it out ;)

    1. Pssh, no worries, i love reading comments xD. plus, mine was pretty long too
