Friday, November 6, 2015

Day Six and a Weekly Sum-Up.

I've been reading blogs of other people who are also doing NaNo, most of whom I know, and they're all doing like 3K words a day, while I'm sitting here in my little corner of shame with my 1.5K words per day, on average. I have to remind myself that a lot of those people are homeschooled and have more chances to write than I do. But still, I could be doing better. 

Current word count: 8,765
Today's word count: 2,211
29.22% of the way to meeting goal


“Mom, do I have to conquer the world?”

“No,” she replied thoughtfully. “I suppose not. But someday,” she looked at me, “you’re going to grow up and you’re going to have to make it yours somehow. Every human leaves their mark in some way. You just have to figure out what you have to offer the world.”

So, I suppose since I've been gone for a bit, I owe you [my four readers] a weekly sum-up. 

Best moment this week 

Hm. Well, on Wednesday, the high-school went on a day trip to L.A. for the LIFEsocal event. It was super loud, there were over 7,000 Catholic schools students crowded into a basketball stadium and there was music blasting, and I'm surprised my ears weren't permanently damaged. David Henrie, the actor, was there again, like last year (If you click that link, you also get to read about the day when I almost met Rick Riordan and then didn't.) What surprised me was how Catholic he is! Like, I knew he was Christian, but when he was giving his speech, he started talking about transubstantiation and I was like, uh, YESSS!! 

Random moments of the week

On Monday, it was drizzling, so me, Em, and a few others sat in the middle of the soccer field at school and ate a whole box of Double Stuf Oreos. It was super quite because everyone was in class and it was drizzling...Yes, it was as amazing as it sounds. 

Also, on the drive to L.A., I was in a carpool with a bunch of crazy amazing people. We ate M&M's and listened to a lot of country and Disney music. And we listened to this song. And this song. They're hilarious, we were cracking up. I showed them to Blaze and Penguin and they cracked up too. xD 

Shame moment of the week

In PE we played a weird game where we had to do push-ups and dress up in costumes and run... And I had to wear dress pants that were too big for me, a knight chest-plate thing, a huge leather jacket (which was SUPER COMFORTABLE), worn-out flip-flops, and crutches. It was rather shameful, how horrid I looked.

Made me happy

The leaves are starting to change! 

My mother got chamomile tea ;)

Late-night texting with Maddie.


Made me freak out

Geometry tests :(


We're having an English seminar next week about the Iliad and I'm excited but in no way prepared. 


Things I've pinned ;)

This pretty much sums up my essence.


Have you detected a theme yet?
I started like three new boards this week:
One dedicated to Autumn, one to Winter, and one to fuzzy socks and tea xD
And here's this, because it's not winter just yet.
And this is hilarious.

I sent this to my friend who doesn't care for
sarcasm and I was like, "This is probably the most sarcastic
thing that ever happened." 

Well I have food waiting for me, and I haven't eaten since Blaze and I were fighting over the frozen pizza earlier. 
So... Five hours ago. 
I get hungry quickly when I'm writing all afternoon. 
--Me, the hungry, emotion-driven, sarcastic writer 


  1. Replies
    1. It's a November writing challenge where you write a novel in a month and try to meet a word goal. Since this is my first year doing it, my goal is 30,000 words.

  2. Ohmygosh I love your autumn/wintery pins!! Can I tell you how excited I am for Christmas????

    1. I love them too!! They're gorgeous!! :) I know. 48 days, people! :P

    2. I'm so excited!!!!! GAH, 48 days, really???? YAY!!!!!

    3. Oh my gosh I can't waaaaaait!
