Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Music Tag!

*clears throat* 

I'd like to thank the Academy. 


I'd like to thank Grace Anne for nominating me for the Music Tag! She is amazing and wonderful and you should totally check out her blog if you haven't already x). 

Music is always in my house. My dad plays the guitar all the time and I'm constantly driving my brothers crazy because I sing too much/too loudly xD. My parents friends are super musical and write their own songs and someone's usually got Spotify playing. I kind of grew up surrounded by music and musical people. It's just everywhere here, and so music is kind of a big deal for me. 
Long story short, I'm super excited to do this post! 
*not my image*

1. Thank the person who tagged you and include a link to their blog (bc it's just the nice thing to do)
2. Answer the questions asked below
3. Tag 5+ bloggers and let them know
4. Add your own question to the end of the tag for your nominees to answer and answer it yourself (optional, but fun)
5. Include these rules in your post

Okay, lets go! 

1. Do you play any instruments? 

Haha, for all that talk about living in such a musical environment, I myself am not the most talented, instrument-wise...
I took piano lessons last year and I can stumble through a song if you put the music in front of me. And I took up guitar the summer after eighth grade, but I'm not sure if I could play it now!

2. What is your favorite music genre?

Hmm. I like country, but I also like pop-rock and folk-rock. I'm not super into like, mainstream stuff...? Like I'm not a huge Rihanna fan and I don't like Beyonce or Ariana Grande... So yeah. I like stuff like Ed Sheeran. Yup.

3. Is there a music genre you absolutely cannot stand?

Uh. I have a list. But I don't care for rap or heavy metal.

4. What is your favorite way to listen to music? (CD, MP3, Vinyl, Radio, etc.)

Oh gosh! I usually just listen to music on my phone, but I do like the radio and I occasionally use Pandora and YouTube.

5. Top three favorite bands/singers?

Ed Sheeran, R5, and Sabrina Carpenter. I think. Maybe. It changes all the time...

6. What are your three favorite chords?

I like major chords, because they sound cool, but I honestly don't know enough about them to pin-point favorites.

7. What is your favorite song because of what it means to you?

Afire Love by Ed Sheeran. At the moment. It might change tomorrow, who knows?

8. (Grace's question!!) What is your current favorite song?

I don't really do "favorites", I have a song that I obsess over for a few days and then I move on to the next one... And currently I'm obsessing over Easy Love by R5. So yeah.

MY QUESTION TO MY NOMINEES: What is your go-to feel-good song?

(my answer to this would probably be Just Haven't Met You Yet by Michael Buble)


Thanks so much Grace Anne for nominating me!! And if you want to do this tag, I NOMINATE YOU TOO!! Leave me a link in the comments so I can check it out! 


  1. How is it possible that I haven't heard Afire Love?? I don't understand!

  2. YAY, I'm so glad that you did this! And I LOVE AFIRE LOVE SO MUCH. And Sabrina Carpenter. And Just Haven't Met You Yet. And basically everything that you said.

  3. I have had a lifelong love affair with music. I think it can touch us unlike any other art form. I especially love listening to a talented pianist or violinist :)

    1. Isn't music beautiful? I have some friends who are super super talented on the piano and it's so amazing to watch them play.
      Thanks for stopping by!
