Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Hello June!

welcome back, summer
I remembered another goal for this summer, and it is to get rid of this ridiculous sock tan I've acquired over the past nine months of wearing Keds and ankle socks every single day.... It's so bad. 


THERE'S SO MUCH TO SAY!! I finished Sophomore year of high school??? I survived exams??? I was dying to watch the Harry Potter movies so when the very very last one was on TV the other night I watched it??? 

Why do I do this to myself. I watched the last movie first. AT LEAST I READ ALL THE BOOKS. 

I performed My Fair Lady. I finished Sophomore year and I'M DONE WITH GEOMETRY!! I went to graduation and said goodbye to some wonderful people. I ran into a bit of writer's block, which is still kinda with me now and 'm trying to decide when I should start writing the second draft of Miette's story because that needs to be done but I can't do it with the Horrible Block of Writers (...sounded better in my head). I completed TWO seminars, one on Antigone and the other on Julius Caesar. Also, I ran out of tea and I'm slowly dying, so if someone could send me some tea, that'd be great. Coffee is only an option for me if there's hot chocolate in it. My brother turned twelve?? He's old. He's also pretty big, like I think he could beat us all up if he so desired. 

Yesterday I heard my brother shout from the next room "Get this banana out of my hair and go away!"

May was awesome. 
Hopefully June will be too. 

How was your month? 


  1. Oh my gosh, you watched the last one first? XD My goal this summer is to watch the movies. I've read all of the books- the movies need to happen!!

    LUCKYYYY. I wish I was done with geometry. *sends lots of tea*

    1. I did and I feel a little guilty haha! Yeah same, I've been seriously dying to watch them!!


      *sends lots of hugs in return* x)

  2. Gosh, I REALLY want watermelon now... ;P

  3. LOL the best part is I CAN!!! My mom just bought a watermelon and it's sitting on the counter! I'm so happy. Talk about uncanny, right?! XP
