Monday, June 27, 2016

Cardboard Boxes, Dancing, Ukuleles (and Fudge).

I actually wrote something. Not even joking. Wrote a poem last week, on a particularly difficult/intense day, and I know it may seem like it's a random jumble of words, but the words actually do mean something to me, so I suppose it's a rather personal poem, but I'm sharing it anyway *gasps for breathe*... 


Cardboard boxes in the rain
Folding laundry every day 
Afire love and black headphones
Blocking out muffled groans
Cut-off shorts and pale bare feet
Homemade bracelets and salty-sweet
Yelling till your voice grows hoarse 
Never-ending list of chores
Toothy smiles, paper bags
Brand-new clothes with price tags
Flip-flops slapping wooden floors
Fading behind large, locked doors
It all ends up at, once again, 
Cardboard boxes in the rain 

In other news... I've started dancing again, which is AWESOME and I've never felt so amazing. Maybe I have, but I don't remember. 
Classes cost money (it's lame), and I don't think there are a lot of great options around where I live anyway, so I've been doing YouTube tutorials and stuff. Last night I was dancing for like two straight hours and I was so exhausted and sweaty and gross but it felt really awesome. And I did some more of it this morning. It's gotten to the point ((already)) where my brothers are humming the songs I'm dancing to subconsciously x). My feet are super raw, but it's totally worth it. 
Doing online ballet lessons sounds kind of stressful to me (though I'll probably try it) so I've been doing more contemporary stuff. Which is awesome. Because I've always wanted to learn stuff like this. And now suddenly I can do all these things and it feels so great! In my twelve or thirteen years of dance experience, I've never done this kind of dancing before, and I love it, it's so much fun. 

I think its true that dancing brighten peoples moods. I've been in such a good mood and my creative levels are flying. I love being creative, and dancing satisfies that and also is a (slightly extreme) workout. Which is perfect. Lately I've been looking for something to do for exercise and so I started running but wasn't super into it... But I love dancing a lot, so this is perfect for me. 

This morning I was playing my sister's ukulele and improvising a song about how out of tune the ukulele was and how no matter what I did it was still out of tune. Basically going from C to F to Am7 and singing at the top of my lungs about my sister's out of tune ukulele. 

I'm in such a good mood. 
I also ate a lot of fudge. 
Dancing is such a wonderful thing guys, and is the remedy for all sadness. That and fudge are the remedies for all sadness. 


  1. I absolutely adore your poem! I feel like I've had a little glimpse into your life now, and I love writing that does that.:)

    ISN'T DANCE THE BEST??? I love it so much. It really does completely improve your mood! What kinds of tutorials are you using??

    Fudge is the cure for everything.

    1. Thank you!! Writing is amazingly therapeutic haha!

      IT IS IT IS IT IS IT IS!!!!! I'm basically just doing random tutorials I find on YouTube (YouTube is so helpful!!)

      Fudge = Secret of life

  2. I love dancing. I have taken classes when I was younger so I have the ability to dance. I just like to dance freely and make up choreography. THE POEM. It is wonderful! (word you write often) Youtube is great! Ah This post is BETTER THAN YOUTUBE.

    1. Dance is just the bestest x) Most of my training growing up was all very classical and choreographed, so for some reason, I can't improvise dances! Which super stinks, I'd love to have that skill. I'M SO GLAD YOU LIKE THE POEM I'm crazy proud of it.
      *whispers in awe* better than Youtube?? High praise in my book x)
