Friday, July 1, 2016

Hello July!

My goodness, time flies faster than I can handle. 2016 is half-way over! How on earth is that possible?? 


June. June. Juuuuuune. Maybe if I keep saying it my brain won't process that it's over?? 

June was weirdly an intense month.

I applied for my first job (haven't heard back yet, but that's okay because there's this cafe I'm interested in working at... more on that later...) 

We had the Annual End of the Year Dance at school, which usually is a glow-in-the-dark dance, but this year it was a luau, and I was a bit skeptical at first, but it turned out to be a ton of fun. 

There was also the My Fair Lady cast party. 

I started dancing againnnnnnn 

I'm also slowly trying to teach myself ukulele? 

Signed up for Camp NaNo 

Saw a bunch of family and little cousins x)

... This is really random, but there was one week where I drank multiple Shirley Temples and Arnold Palmers because... they're delicious? But I never do that, but it was a special occasion I suppose. 

In other news, Camp NaNo has begun!! Forgive me if I don't post a ton this month, I'll do my best. If I'm absent for a while, just assume I'm huddled in a dark room somewhere in my pajamas wrapped in a cocoon of blankets, blinking the sleep away from my eyes in the blinding light of the laptop where I am writing the second draft of this story that's haunted my life for almost three years now... drinking an inordinate amount of tea... and eating PopTarts...

Yup. That's where I'll be x) 
Happy July guys!! 
(And Happy [almost] Independence Day) 
(The above doesn't apply to you if you live in a different country, but if you do live in a different country, particularly somewhere in Europe, just know I'm immensely jealous and I forever wish I could be as cool as you x) 


  1. Good luck on NaNo! I really want to take part in that someday:)

    1. THANK YOU!!

      Omigosh, it's so helpful!! I have a hard time being motivated to write sometimes, but NaNo motivates you like non other x) But it's also pretty time-consuming, I recommend trying it when you're not super busy. But yes, you should definitely try it sometime!!

  2. Good luck on getting the job at the cafe, Im sure they would be glad to have you working with them. Yes to dancing more! I need to do more of that.

    1. Thank you so much!!
      Always yes to dancing more!! x)
