Thursday, July 28, 2016

Liebster Award!

~not my image~

Grace Anne, guys. She is a whirlwind of sparkles and love and she nominated me for the Liebster Award!! (THANKS LOVELY) I am super excited to do this, so here we go!!


1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.
2. Share the award on your blog.
3. Answer the ten questions you were asked.
4. Nominate at least ten other bloggers.
5. Ask ten new questions.


1. What is the book you've read most often?

Ok. I used to be extremely mega obsessed with the Percy Jackson series. Like, really, *really* obsessed. So obsessed I didn't sleep, eat, or even breathe until I was able to force my brother into reading them too (jaaaaaaaykaaaaaaaaay I did breathe guys... and sleep.....and eat.....) So probably any of those five books.

2. What is your favorite childhood memory?

Oh, SO many. But one memory does stick out in my mind. When I was like, I dunno, five, six, seven... around there. We rented this gorgeous house that was literally on the water and stayed there with my cousins for a few days. I remember kayaking with my family and playing in the hot tub or even just running around in this yellow sundress I'd stolen from one of my cousins. Good times. x)

3. What is the biggest lesson you've learned from blogging?

Commitment. Time management. Being more confident. Anything along those lines, really.

4. Worst book that you have ever read?

Oh man.... I'd have to think about that... Actually, okay, I read one of my brother's comic books once, I think it was one of those Diary of a Wimpy Kid books? And that was pretty terrible. Don't judge me, it was a time of temporary insanity. And I don't have anything against comic books, I'm a sucker for Calvin and Hobbes. But that particular comic book could definitely be filed under "Worst Book I've Ever Read". 

5. Go-to outfit?

Oooh. Leggings and a flannel. Or leggings and a t-shirt, depending on the season.

6. What is your favorite hot beverage?

A really good cup of tea. Yes. It can't be a weak cup of tea, like a wanna-be cup of tea. It's got to be a really good cuppa.
I also like mochas, though...

7. Who was the last person you texted and what was it about?

My mom. Telling her I'd been to Subway for lunch.
And if you were wondering, it was delicious.
I bet you were all wondering that.
You're welcome.

8. How would your friends describe you?

*calls every friend asking this question*
Probably crazy. Insane. Both are accurate.

9. What are five things you like about yourself?

-I like my eyes. My eyes are pretty cool-looking.
-I like that I've gotten a lot more confident over the years.
-I like that my top-most goal in life is to have a good relationship with God
-I like that I love to read.
-I like that I'm looking to do something creative with my life.

10. What is your motto?

"One day at a time."


Emma Grace


1. What/who is something/someone that inspires you daily?
2. If you could travel to anywhere, where would you go and what would you do?
3. What comes to your mind when you hear the phrase, "Going to my happy place"?
4. What was the last movie you saw in theaters and what did you think of it?
5. What is your favorite season?
6. What are your favorite things about blogging?
7. What advice would you give to your younger self?
8. What is your favorite memory?
9. Pancakes or waffles? (THE ULTIMATE QUESTION)
10. If you had a time machine, what time period would you travel to?

Thanks again, Grace Anne, for nominating me! Had such a blast with this. And if you'd like to do this tag but don't see your name above, do it anyways! Leave me a link in the comments to I can check it out :)


  1. Abby!!! Thanks for nominating me! That's really sweet of you!! And you used the new URL! I'm so happy.

    1. Glad you're excited!! YES I DID YAY! Congrats on that btw x)

  2. YOU ARE THE SWEETEST PERSON EVER. I'm so excited that you did this!! I had so much fun reading this!!

    Also clearly waffles are superior.

    1. :'''''''''''''') Thanks again for nominating me!!

      Obviously. Waffles were always superior.

  3. omg, it's back to the pancakes and waffles. IT'S SUCH A HARD DECISION. I think I ended up #TeamWaffle. With chocolate chips in the waffles. xD

    Thank you for nominating me! <3

    // katie grace
    a writer's faith

    1. Whoa, I had waffles w chocolate chips this morning!! haha soo good.
      Thanks for stopping by!! <3

  4. Cool blog! I have allot of ideas for good books you could write, for example, you could write a book about chairs! That would be really interesting!Reply to my comment for more great book ideas!

    1. Great idea for a book, you should start your own blog about book ideas. Also tell me when your book about chairs is done, I want to be the first one to buy it!!!!! Chairs for the win!!!!!

  5. I finally got to doing this. :D Thanks so much for nominating me!
