Thursday, February 5, 2015

In which I almost drink liquid cancer

Does it surprise you that I haven't done any work on my story since my last post? Not one word? 

It really shouldn't. 

I'm here to talk about soylent, and before I go any further, I would like to applaud all those who are able to look upon the face of nastiness and live. I am not one of those people. *sniffles* But that's okay, because its my nature to be grossed out and I've proudly accepted it. My siblings, however, think I'm weird. But what else is new. I can't kill a fly without bouncing up and down while shrieking for dear life

Okay. Soylent. 

So, for those of you who don't know, theres an old movie called Soylent Green. It takes place in a futuristic society where everything is pretty much perfect-- no more poverty, starvation, war, etc. People don't even have to worry about food because the government supplies it all. Everyone eats this substance called soylent, which basically has everything the human body needs to survive, nutrition-wise. 
So this one guy decides he wants to know what soylent is, exactly. So he sneaks into the factory and discovers that it's made of people that society has no use of anymore (e.g. elderly people, sickly babies, etc.) 

So anyways, long story short, my english teacher found some on the internet and she brought it to school. 
Only, this soylent wasn't made from people (thank goodness). It was more of a protein shake kinda thing. 

At my school, the ninth and tenth graders are together for english, but are separated into two classes: honors english and not-honors english. I made it to honors english *files nails casually* and my class decided to play a prank on the other class. 

If you remember a while back, I did a post about the first day of school and I was complaining about having a double period of english on Thursdays. Well today we spent the first period getting everything prepared. 
While the "burly youths", as my teacher calls them, were setting up the tables where we would have our "feast" and the makeshift stage on the basketball court where we would declaim the Aeneid for the other class afterwards, some of us were in the classroom getting the soylent ready. 
It. Was. Nasty. I refused to drink it. It looked like really watery oatmeal and we nicknamed it liquid cancer, or liquid ebola. We put whipped cream on it to disguise it, and invite the other class over. 
We made a toast, and drank (my class pretended to drink it). It was very anti-climatic. 
We didn't really get the reaction we were hoping for, and not everyone drank it at once. I think some people even finished it. 

After that, we declaimed the Aeneid which we had been preparing (not the whole thing, obviously). 

So the moral of the story is, its okay to be grossed out, especially if its involves soylent. Or flies. Ugh. 



  1. Abby, what do you mean when you say your English teacher "found some [presumably soylent] on the Internet and she brought it to school?" I assume (hope) it's not stuff made from elderly people and sickly babies. So, what are you talking about!?! Hope you're having a good Saturday. More snow coming our way . . . Gma

    1. No no no, its not made of people! gosh, that would be horrible! no, its like a protein shake kind of. sorry i should have clarified on the post.
