Saturday, August 20, 2016


Those eyes that sparkle. 

Those eyes that never age. 

Those eyes that speak for themselves. 

Those eyes you can find patterns in.

Those eyes that brighten when you look at them. 

T h o s e  e y e s 

There are the eyes of the young, which have never seen evil, 
which have never been scarred or broken, 
which are attached to little smiles

There are the eyes of the old, 
which have seen it all. 

But eyes don't age, even if the person they belong to does. 

T h e r e  a r e  t h e  e y e s

The eyes that s c r e a m
The eyes that c r y
The eyes that s m i l e
The glass-like eyes that could shatter.

Even if your mouth tells a lie, your eyes will tell the truth. 
Your eyes will be louder
louder than words
louder than sound

So many broken eyes on happy faces. 
So many darkened eyes in troubled times

But my favorite eyes of all 
Are the ones that you see in someone looking at the ocean for the first time 
Or a waterfall 
Or the city lights at night
Or anything beautiful
The way the eyes glow
Taking it in.

Those are my favorite eyes.