Monday, August 15, 2016


I have all these half-written posts. And yet here I am writing a completely different one and throwing those others [temporarily] out the window x). 

I apologize for being absent. August has been a whirlwind so far, but I'm baaaaaack, and I want to talk about writing. 

Since Camp NaNo ended, I've ditched writing my story. I open up the document, stare at it until I hate it, and close the computer. It's an endless cycle. 
BUT YESTERDAY I wrote. Old-fashion style, pencil and a notebook. It reminded me of when Leslie and I were little and would write stories for each other on our wooden desks in the afternoon light. 
It was a totally new plot idea, totally new characters, totally different everything basically. It was a random burst of inspiration. I guess after working on the same plot with the same characters for two years, it's good to take some breaks. 
Or maybe I'm just procrastinating. 

I'm in the process of writing the second draft of my story. It's long. And sometimes I think about throwing things. But I don't, instead I just pound my head against the keyboard. 

but this second draft is turning out soooo much better than the first, I can't even express how happy it makes me feel. 

Will there be a third draft? 
Who knows. 
Maybe not. But even if there isn't, I've never in my life been so committed to something like this before. I mean, I've worked on this forever! (two years=forever) I really had no idea I would take it this far. It kind of blows my mind a little because I'm the queen of starting something and not finishing it. 

Do you guys have any editing tips?? I would love to hear them if you do! 


  1. All this talk I hear about everyone writing books is making me want to come up with a story and write a book. Writing tips are great.

    1. Mine would be to read aloud and edit in different colors for different things

    2. Oooh, I'll do that! You totally should, you would write an awesome book x) <33

  2. I'm the same way- so many different drafts, oh my gosh. It's terrible. XD

    I need to work on my novel....agh. agh agh agh.

  3. who is leslie, she sounds so amazing?
