Monday, July 20, 2015

Convection Oven Weather and Drivers Education.

I think California's weather is drunk or something because this is so weird!! For the past couple days it's been hot (uncomfortably hot), muggy, moist, humid (I'm repeating myself with different words I think), and rainy. 

Cough I hate you, weather cough 

But seriously, the only other place that might have weather like this that I know of would be... Hawaii. My friend goes to Hawaii often and she and her family have told me about the weather there, and it sounds rather like this; hot, humid, rainy. I mean, I might be wrong, but you know... I've never been to Hawaii so... 

Last night there was some thunder as I was falling asleep, which would've been awesome if it hadn't been so hot. And humid. Have I mentioned humid? It's supposed to rain more today. Mary Rose keeps asking, whenever it rains, if the droughts gonna be over now. Then Blaze comes in and insists on being all smart and knowledge-y and says that we would have to have seven days in a row of straight downpour to end it. Which I wouldn't mind, honestly. 

So, I'm hoping for rain and cooler weather because I'm boiling. Trying to sleep at night with this weather is the worst. It feels like the convection oven of hell. 

On a totally unrelated topic, I've started studying for my drivers permit! A couple things I learned: 

  • To get my permit I have to take an exam (cue me dying a little inside)(you guys know me well enough by now to know I HATE EXAMS) 
  • To get my license, I have to do fifty hours of driving practice, TEN of which have to be done at night. (cue me dying painfully inside) 
I knew I had to do driving practice once I get my permit, but fifty hours??? Thats like four days worth of driving! 
Blaze is already betting how long it'll be before I crash. Thanks for the support, bro. When you're getting ready to be behind the wheel, we shall remember these moments. 


  1. Ugh, I know! I think the heat is slowly killing us all. :~/

    Good luck on your driving! <3

    1. It's the worst! Luckily it's supposed to cool down a little this week.

      Thanks! I'm going to need it. ;)

  2. Oh my gosh, this weather is so weird and awful and BLEHK, it's killing me! The rain is lovely but everything else sure isn't. I've never been to Hawaii, but it feels sort of like Florida. Super, super hot, and muggy and grossly moist and all that. So not California! It's so strange!

    I'm sure you're dying on the inside, maybe the outside too, JK! But you'll do great! Good luck!

    1. IKR its so weird!!

      Haha I'm dying everywhere ;). i went to the doctors today actually and found out that im like totally blind in my left eye so i can't drive unless i get glasses. can you picture me with glasses?? with my braces i'll look like a total dork lol

  3. No you won't, I bet you'll get used to them after awhile! But I feel you, cuz I'm getting glasses too -- they're coming in about a week. I was dreading it at first, but now that I actually have to get them, I'm kind of excited! I also have to get braces in the next couple months. So, like, speaking of dorks... :P I'm going to look in the mirror and see one!!

    1. hahaha we can be dorks together!!
      It's so weird, i thought my vision was fine, but then i had to get a physical today, so when they were checking my eyes with one of those charts with the different sized letters on them, they told me to cover up my right eye and read off the letters with my left and i couldn't see a thing!! and lately i've been thinking about how bad it would be if i was starting to lose one of my senses because a character in my story is going blind (im so cruel to my characters) so i've been spending a lot of time thinking about it and stuff. ugh, worst timing ever to find out this information. ;p
      then the nurse told me i have to get more surgery and i was like "gosh, i hate the doctors office" xDD

    2. Sure we can! :P LOL
      I had been thinking mine was kinda bad for awhile, I couldn't see things faraway (like the hymn rack thingy at church or that letter chart or signs or whatever). So I went to the eye doctor, and I looked at the chart, and I was like, "Okay, MAYBE I can read the top line..." So, yes, glasses.
      Haha! IKR! I'm writing a story with Isabel at the moment and I was suggesting this plot twist and she's like, "What the heck Monica! You can't do that to them! It's so CRUEL!" Really though, we've like killed off this poor girl's whole family and put her in the worst possible situation and tried to get her to figure out how to handle it. It's rather...unfortunate...!
      Surgery?! For what? I'm sorry!!

    3. haha IKR! Don't worry, you'll look beautiful with glasses ;)
      YES EXACTLY why are we so mean?? my excuse is that I'm not aloud to be this evil to real humans so i take it out on my characters xDD
      It might not happen, but the evil nurse thinks i should get it for the spot on my nose. again, it might not happen, but theres like a 50/50 chance it will and im praying it wont!!
