Friday, July 24, 2015

In Which I Avoid Being Negative and Instead Talk About Imaginary People.

I was going to write a post about my various medical problems because suddenly I have multiple of them. But I figured it would be better to pretend they didn't exist. At least on here. Hard to pretend they don't exist outside this blog, seeing as I can barely walk. Maybe I'll tell you about it another day, but I've already been to the hospital today and I don't feel like going into details. 
(Its not as bad as I'm making it sound.  I'm not really in a bad mood, really. I tend to stay away from blogging when I'm down because when I'm in a mood I will literally scream at anything that moves.) 

So, instead, lets sit down with some tea in my office and talk about writing. 
I've decided I have a writing office. I created it in my mind a while ago with Leslie; Floor-to-ceiling windows, a kitchen to make tea and various British and Parisian pastries (with the occasional American comfort food if I happen to have been reading a heart wrenching, sad book and break down), a couch for brainstorming on, a fireplace, tall bookshelves with a ladder that glide across the shelves on wheels, multiple laptops for writing, and papers strewn all over the place with my plot bunnies. 
I would literally live there. I would never leave. 

But okay, now that we're comfortable in my fantasy office, I want to share with you a few paragraphs of a story I started a long time ago. I just found it today. I don't want to share the whole thing because I'm a little self-conscious about it and it's kind of confusing, but I found a couple snippets that I really like, so here we go: 


I stood in front of a large door with the name Mr.McCoy stenciled in gold. In my school, that name held power. Bella June, I thought. What does that name hold? The negative side of me thought, nothing. That name holds nothing. 
I didn't want to hear what the positive side of me thought. I was afraid it would agree. 
And I, Bella June, the girl whose name means nothing, stepped into the office of the man whose name, in my school, means everything. 


So yeah, this Bella June character is a pretty depressed person. I'd forgotten about her over  the past year or so, or whenever I wrote this story. Here's another snippet: 


I sat down in the large chair, feeling very small. Mr. McCoy smiled at me. But his smile was empty. I was just another trouble maker he was paid to talk to. 


I was going through old notebooks and found this: 

Lucy is one of my characters from a while ago. I've never actually gotten around to writing her story, but she's fun to draw. 

I also found a backstory I wrote for one of my villains. And a whole conversation I wrote down once when I was at a restaurant and doing some "people-watching". (It's not spying, it's research!) 

I've been working a lot on Miette's story. I'm not exactly getting 5K a week like I said I would, but I'm definitely getting there. If I keep this up, I'll be at 30K by the time school starts, which is what I'm aiming for. 
Okay, gonna sign off now. 


  1. Oh my gosh, okay, well, you don't have to tell me, but I'm dying to know what happened... :P Poor you!
    Your fantasy office sounds utterly amazing! ;)
    I love those snippets, especially the first one! You have some awesome lines!

  2. Haha, thanks! I'm hoping I'll be better by tomorrow-ish, but its really not as bad as i made it sound. i mean, i can walk again, sort of, so its getting better.
    IKR I WANT IT SO BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thanks! I like them too, but the rest of the story is sort of confusing, and while i kind of like the concept, its just way to vague. otherwise i would post more of it.

  3. A grandmother's inquiring mind would really love more info about what took you to the hospital, Abby. Maybe you could email me? Gma
