Sunday, August 2, 2015

Happy Birthday, dear Quills (and to a lesser extent, Rosie)!

Mary Rose had her birthday yesterday. She had her moment. Now it's this blogs turn. 

One year. One year ago today, I asked my dad if I could start a blog when we were driving home from going to confession. I honestly didn't expect him to say yes. 
That's kind of crazy. I guess I should get all sentimental now. 
First I'd like to thank you. Yes, you, my readers, for actually reading my rants, my updates, my stress, and the occasional crappy poem or two. Thank you for putting up with my moods and school worries and unpredictable posting patterns. Please keep it up with the comments--I love to hear from you ;). 

Second, I'd like to invite you all to my fantabulous fabulous office for ice cream cake and tea and confetti. Directions to said office: 
Go three miles west of Middle Earth
Take a left at 221B Baker Street 
When you pass the TARDIS, follow the second star to the right and go straight on till morning. 
I invited Captain America and Sherlock, though both have some sort of mystery to solve or bad guy to capture, so who knows if they'll actually show. 

Yesterday was Rosie's birthday and we went to see Inside Out!! It was sooo cute! Though the Pixar short before it, Lava, was incredibly cheesy, and the song's been stuck in my head all morning. I loved the message in the movie, that sadness is a part of life and you can't have happiness without sadness. A lot of our society is telling us to keep sadness in a circle and always be happy, but we all need some sadness. It was such a cute, hilarious, family movie, and I recommend it for all ages. 
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars. 
Favorite quote(s): 
Fear: Maybe it was a bear? 
Disgust: There are no bears in San Francisco. 
Anger: I saw a really hairy guy, he looked like a bear. 


Sadness: Crying helps me slow down and obsess over the weight of life's problems. 
(My favorite character was Disgust xDD)

Rosie also got a tortoise for her birthday. A tortoise. It's hanging out in our backyard. 
Oh, guess what she named it--Otis. Otis the tortoise. I might need to get used to this. 

Well, we have family over now, and Maddie and her family are coming down for a few days this week, so prepare for a lack of posting. 
I expect to see you all in my office this afternoon, and if you can, maybe bring a drink or a dessert? If you can. I recommend going by dragon to avoid traffic. 
*throws confetti* heres to another year of school stress posts and incoherent fangirling!! Happy birthday, Quills!! 


  1. Yay! Happy Birthday Quills!!
    I love your blog so much, Abs! Keep it up!! :)
    <3 Jo

    1. Thanks!! Thank you for actually reading it :p Love ya!

  2. Of course! It's the best! Love ya too!

  3. Whoot whoot! Happy birthday, Quills!!!! Here's to another year! *confetti*

  4. Picture this: everyone partying, drinking tea, eating ice cream cake, celebrating in your office...DROWNED in confetti!!! XD (unfortunately, it would probably fall into our tea... :P)

    1. LOL THAT'D BE AWESOME!! haha it would make the tea more festive! xD

    2. Yes! I'm in!!! I'll bring the tea!

    3. You'd better bring some Earl Grey, Jo! I'll take care of the cake!

    4. Haha YESSS!! Earl Grey!! And I'll bring the confetti!

    5. Bring a TON! All you can find!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. lol wow Maddie. haha thanks for those... many... comments! <333
