Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Lot o' Little Updates.

Two weeks. 
How'd this happen. 

School starts on the twenty-sixth, and I'm already having stress-dreams about it. Well actually, it wasn't really a stress-dream... There was only one top locker left and Hannah and I were competing for it.... Super weird, I know, but I've never ever had a top locker before, so I hope I get one this year. I mean, I don't really mind bottom lockers, but I'd like to not have to crouch all the time and get stepped on by those fancy people with top lockers for a change. 

I've been writing, but not as much as I'd like. I have about 8K words to go until I reach 30K, which is my summer goal, but with two weeks left and me being this lazy about writing, it'll be really something if I can make it. 

Around here, fireworks only go off twice a year: Independence day and when the county fair arrives. 
When I was watching Doctor Who with Maddie one night, it was like ten o'clock or ten-thirty, and suddenly there were these big explosions and I was like, HOLY COW WE'RE BEING SHELLED!! Rosie screamed in the next room, I think. But then we looked out the window and saw the tops of the fireworks over the trees. 
We never really go to the fair, but we can see the fireworks every night, which is cool. 

The boys and Rosie are doing a sailing camp down at the harbor. So they've been waking me up with their running around at eight in the morning, and then when I get out of bed, nobody's home. Which is kind of nice, I suppose. The sailing camp looks cool, but I'm not big on camps, so I didn't do it. Actually, each of us were supposed to pick a sort of camp to do this summer, and I turned everything down. I think I said I'd rather rent a paddle board a couple days than do an organized, five-day-a-week camp. I'm not a camp person. 

Drivers ed is going pretty well. I'm almost half-way done with the online lessons. A couple of my friends recently got their permits and have told me that the exam is pretty easy, but I think they're all liars xD. I really want to be over and done with these lessons so I can start driving practice already. 

Well, thats really all I've got. Sorry if this was a bit boring, I tend to be that way sometimes if I haven't had any tea yet. I'll try to blog again sometime this week, but who knows if I will. I've got all this writing to do, plus getting ready for school to start. 
(Saddest half of a sentence ever spoken...) 
--Your friendly neighborhood dork extraordinaire 

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