Friday, August 7, 2015

One Heck of a Week: Special Cousins Edition

Maddie and her family came down this week. They got here early Tuesday morning. Like, 12:30 AM early Tuesday morning. It was super fun, we spent pretty much all of Tuesday at the hotel pool. It was really good to see my cousins again. 

On Wednesday, Maddie, my cousin Max, who's a little older then me, Blaze, and I went to the beach. That was a lot of fun. Maddie and I got there first and went swimming before the boys got there. 

Beach hair.
The beach that day was super relaxing and awesome. We went swimming and then Blaze and Max showed up and we went swimming again. Then Maddie and I laid on our beach towels and listened to music while Blaze buried Max. We tried to play ultimate frisbee, but the sand burned our feet. 

We both look weird in this one.
Wednesday night, Maddie and I watched Doctor Who, or more specifically, the episode entitled, Blink. Super creepy!! The good news is, I wasn't alone when watching it; Maddie was there, secretly laughing whenever I would gasp or scream. 
Actually, I don't think I screamed. I don't really scream when I'm watching something creepy. More like, my eyes get glued to the screen and I gasp a little or swallow or something. When I get scared by something I'm watching, I get hypnotized kinda. 
We also watched the two-parter in season five, The Time of Angels and Flesh and Stone last night. That was even creepier than Blink. Heck, it was creepier than the episode with the gas mask kid. 
I think thats what scared me more. The quiet, mysterious episode where you don't know where the monster is going to come from or whether its around the corner, as opposed to the action-packed, fast-paced, running-from-the-monster episodes, where there isn't really any mystery. You know what the monster is and where it is, what its purpose is and what it can do to you. The ghosts and weeping angels scare me more than the daleks or the slitheens. 
But UGH the weeping angels!! Holy cow, they're so scary! When Amy was left alone in the forest surrounded by angels and she couldn't open her eyes, THAT was FREAKY!!! I didn't want to watch the two-parter, but Maddie dragged me into it. Afterwards, she was like, "Huh, I remember it being scarier," and I thought, SCARIER??? 

Before watching The Time of Angels. See the fearlessness and confidence in our eyes?
Yeah. That lasted about five minutes. 
Today, me, Maddie, Max, Blaze, Penguin, and my ten-year-old cousin Phil went and saw Ant-Man. It was such a great movie! I loved it, I loved how funny it was and how awesome it was, and the plot was great! Kept my interest the whole time. Scott was hilarious, Hank was pretty boss, Darren was an idiot, and Hope was awesome. I knew she'd become Wasp. I knew it... (That was a spoiler, sorry). When Hank is telling Scott about the suit and saying, "I hid it from the world..." That sort of got me thinking. How can you hide something from the world? There are like six or seven billion people out there, and he hid it from all of them? How can anyone hide anything from the world? At least for very long. I mean, I'm sure we all have something nobody else knows about, so I guess its not that big of a deal to "hide something from the world." Its not impossible. Some people are very deep (XD). I guess it was the aspiring-writer in me, getting me to over-think the little words and such. 
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars. 

We swam a lot, Maddie and I went for multiple walks and ate a lot of sugar, and we freaked ourselves out by looking into the stone-dead eyes of weeping angel statues... That which holds the image of an angel is itself an angel... and basically becoming very very alarmed whenever we got something in our eyes. 
Most of this post probably didn't make sense to a lot of you. Thats okay. Nobody on this earth is normal, and this minor obsession with this show is simply my way of being abnormal. 

So, I should go eat dinner. Maddie, if you're reading this, I miss you tons and tons and tons, and I hope I get to see you before Christmas ;). 

And to all my readers, remember: 

don't blink 

--Abby, who has weirded you all out enough for today. 


  1. Ooh it looks like you guys had fun! Gosh, I haven't seen Maddie in forever! I think the last time I saw her was 5+ years ago.
    I saw Ant-Man too! It was so good! :)

    1. It was a lot of fun! Yeah, its been a while hasn't it?
      Wasn't it sooo good??? I loved it!
