Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Follow-Up Christmas Post.

Hmm. Yes. This is my follow-up Christmas post. But before I begin, I'd like to point out the fact that I was in a car for eight hours today and for two of those hours, I was driving. 


Yes, let that roll around in your head for a second before I EXPLODE BECAUSE I DROVE A CAR!! 

Wow. I drove a car. 
When Max was driving on Christmas Eve, it looked so easy. I literally felt my mind being ripped apart when I did it. Multitasking level infinity. 
It's harder than it looks, oh you people of confidence. 

My Christmas was so amazing. On Christmas Eve, other than being driven by my seventeen-year-old cousin for the first time ever and praying to not die and annoying him as much as I could, our whole family stayed up super, super late. The adults talked (booooooring) in the dining room leaving twelve kids, ages ranging from seventeen to three, in the TV room and kitchen. The younger kids played Xbox and Max, Maddie and I played Scrabble, which I regret to inform you that I am rather horrid at. Then, all the other kids ages ten and up joined us for a super loud, super chaotic, super amazing game of Spoons, which I am awesome at. Like, come to my house and challenge me to Spoons. You will be my favorite. As long as I win, because otherwise we'll have a problem. Throughout these games, I had two or three cups of peppermint tea in the spirit of Christmas. 

Eventually, I think around one a.m., people went to bed. On Christmas morning, we watched Elf and opened presents and stockings with a delicious breakfast of my aunt's homemade cinnamon rolls. I got a beautiful and extremely fuzzy Captain America sweatshirt, leggings (I. love. leggings. I am the easiest person to shop for), a wallet, sunglasses, an amazing Jane Austen mug, multiple boxes of tea, a big bag, and this cool, makeup/jewelry box. There's also an iPhone coming at some point which was supposed to be a birthday present but procrastination is kind of a thing around here now...

I love my family. My family/extended family are the craziest, most amazing people ever. Christmas is not Christmas without any of them. 

On Monday we went to see Star Wars--the Force Awakens in 3D. 

There are just no words. None. So allow me to proceed with multiple paragraphs of words because that makes sense. 
When I was younger, the rumor of a seventh movie was just that--a rumor. One that I was skeptical about. I liked the ending of the sixth one and thought that they should quit while they were ahead and besides, weren't the actors all old now? I thought another trilogy would kill it. George Lucas had gotten a bit technology-happy in the second trilogy he made (1,2, and 3), and seeing how quickly technology has advanced even further, I'm glad they had J.J. Abrams direct it. George Lucas was starting to focus more on how much technology he could shove into the movies rather than actually telling a story. 

These movies are my childhood. They just are. My family used to watch Star Wars together and when I was really little, I would play Star Wars with my friends (didn't we all???). Even though the Force Awakens  was made in a time when technology was booming and everything is just so different now than it was back when the other movies were made, it was still a Star Wars movie. It had that feel of the movies and the music---I get so emotional over the music. Every bit of it. I could listen to the songs all. the. time. 
Okay, spoiler time--at the very end, when you see Luke in his cloak and he turns around and takes it off, I almost teared up. And I never cry in movies. With the exception of The Passion of the Christ and Little Boy, but still! But let me just say, I did not recognize him as Luke Skywalker. Maybe it was the beard. I dunno. BUT STILL.

And since we're on the topic of crying and movies and stuff, last night Maddie and I watched the last episode of Psych. 
Like, I know that might sound shallow, saying that an episode of Psych was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen, BUT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! SHAWN SPENCER WILL BE MY FAVORITE TV CHARACTER UNTIL I DIE!! I CRIED!! I CRIED AND HOLY COW I CRIED!! But it's weird, I was crying and cracking up at the same time because holy wow, Gus is awesome. 
I can't even explain, you just have to watch it to understand me. After that, Maddie and I tried watching Once Upon a Time but we couldn't do it because after Psych it just seemed so shallow and stupid and UGH I'm an emotional wreck. 

I will leave now,don't worry. 
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! 

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