Friday, January 1, 2016

I am never going to get used to writing 2016 on my papers. I just got used to writing 2015. 

Happy New Year! Last night my brothers and I were up until midnight, though we didn't do much to celebrate. We ate chocolate and then I watched my phone at 11:59 until it changed to 12:00 and shouted HAPPY NEW YEAR and then I went to bed because I was thoroughly exhausted. I've been staying up until one or two AM for over a week now, so I need sleep. 

This year was... interesting. I say that because 2014 was just a super great year for me and so now in comparison, 2015 wasn't my best year. It was okay, just not my best. 

Some things of note: 

I finished freshman year and started my sophomore year. I turned sixteen. I got my drivers permit. I started driving. I finished my first novel and completed 98% of my second one. I did NaNo and won! I did my PSATs. I went to the San Francisco Walk For Life back in January. I finished ninth grade on the honor roll. I expanded my horizons both music-wise and show-wise. I went back east in June. I learned how to make lattes (its really not hard, I don't know what I've been doing for the past sixteen years of my life...). 

Throughout the year, I made some conclusions. I kept a list, actually. Here's a few of them: 

  • a cold shower during a heat wave is the best feeling in the world
  • Oreos are America's best product
  • pickle-haters are not to be trusted
  • acne and spiders should not exist within a 5K radius of any human
  • "tickling the ivory" is the strangest phrase created by mankind
  • stubbing your toe and stepping on Legos should've been used to torture people in the middle ages
  • there is nothing happy about a room without a roof. It would probably be a very cold room
  • nobody on earth knows how to shut doors properly
  • even the people you think you know well will surprise you

That last one I added just the other day when Maddie told me (to my enormous surprise) that she had never eaten a pickle before. 
I was in shock. 
I was also extremely emotional because she told me this right when we were watching the last episode of Psych, but I ranted about that earlier... 

In case you were wondering, my new year started off with me having a horrible nightmare about coyotes and force fields that didn't work........ It was super weird. I hope your new year had a better beginning than mine. 

Happy New Year! Welcome, 2016! 


  1. Haha I love your list! Very relatable lol!

  2. Thank you! I'm rather proud of it. Maybe I'll make another one for 2016 ;p

  3. You should! :) Happy New Year!
