Thursday, January 7, 2016

Rainy School Days.

So, yesterday was the first day back at school, and as far as first days back, it was pretty amazing. 

I got to wake up to rain!! It was beautiful! And it rained all day at school, which was fabulous. Right before English, my whole English class was stuffed into our little classroom staring at the rain. It was pouring, like I don't think I've ever seen it rain so hard in California. The windows in my classroom where I have English is right next to the soccer field, and it was raining so hard that the field was completely flooded. My friend and I were watching out the window and he made a joke about how California finally gets rain and it kills all the grass xD. 
Geometry for the first day back was actually pretty tolerable! Mostly because it was pouring rain with lightning and thunder outside and I had tea (I bring tea to school. It's my way of coping with the world in the early morning) and we had no teacher. I think he's sick or something, so our headmaster gave us our assignment and let us be. It was so nice. 
During lunch was so chaotic, as it usually is. When it rains, we're supposed to eat lunch in our homerooms, but nobody actually knows which room is their homeroom, and there's only one hallway and it's super narrow, so there's sixty kids cramming through the hall with food, trying to find their grade. My class ended up in the lab, although I'm not sure if that's our homeroom, and it ended up with a bunch of people playing on the keyboard and another bunch of people playing cards (myself included), and people shooting rubber bands at each other and yelling at each other to not break anything because there are chemicals in that lab that could literally blow up the entire school, which is kind of terrifying. 

That's what a rainy day at school is like for me. Rather chaotic, but so wonderful. 

In other news, I have an iPhone now. I've never had anything like that so I'm still kinda like whoa what is this why is it doing that why is it making that noise UM UM UM what 
Technology is beyond me. Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong time period. 

I have discovered an amazing combination: leggings and giant sweatshirts. I mean, yes, that's nothing new, but I personally have discovered it. And now that's all I wear. It's an amazing thing. 

1 comment:

  1. Can't believe the news of your new iPhone didn't top your blogpost, Abby!! Whoohoo for you. . . . But you've given us a nice word picture of the effect of the rain in a place where that doesn't happen often. Gap and I are preparing for an el Nino winter ourselves . . . which is fine. Rain doesn't have to be shoveled. xoxo
