Thursday, January 14, 2016

Trusting God with Your Life.

We all run into a point in our lives when we just kind of collapse and cry and feel like we can't go on anymore. Personally, when I hit this point, I usually just wish I could crawl into one of those solitary confinement cells with a notebook, a pencil, some music, and enough tea and Dove chocolates to get me through my life. And books. And maybe Netflix... 
But that's beside the point. 

We all have those moments. And I think usually it's in those moments that we most wish to be alone, and I think that's healthy. We all need to have a time-out from the world sometimes. 

Sometimes, we feel helpless. For me, I'm surrounded by amazing people with an amazing family and an amazing community, but I still get those moments when I end up in my room asking God why He's allowed certain things to happen because it baffles me and I don't understand.  
But I don't think we're supposed to understand. Yet. Maybe I'll look back in thirty years and understand it better. 
It's just hard sometimes. It's like those games you play in acting class where you're blindfolded and your partner has to lead you around the room and you have no idea what's going on, you just have to trust your partner. And then you take your blindfold off and realize that your partner led you through the obstacle course safely and it makes sense. 

That's what it's like. Really, truly. 

Life honestly is nothing short of an obstacle course. Every day, we make our own choices and we think our lives are our own. But they're not. 
And then we trip. Then we mess up. Then we end up in our solitary confinement cell, asking God why. 

"Be stronger than what life brings at you. You can rise from this." 
The Shadow Throne 

^^All-time favorite quote from this book. (The Shadow Throne is the third book in the Ascendance Trilogy. Remember The False Prince?

Maybe this topic is too general, but I think it's an important one to discuss. Trusting God in life can sometimes be hard because we're the ones with the blindfold on and with no idea what the heck is going on. And then things go wrong and life takes a turn and you may not understand it, but God does, and that's all that matters. 

Don't ever give up on God because God never gives up on you. No matter what life throws at you, remember that God gave you you're obstacles because He knows you're strong enough to face them, even if you don't think so. 

"These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." 
--John 16:33


  1. Beautiful,Abs! <3 I love the quotes you chose. This just made my day :)
