Friday, October 17, 2014

"In the beginning God created philosophical thoughts... And God saw that it was good"

Ever have those days where all you want to do is sit down and listen to the rain for hours on end? I feel like that now. All I need is some rain and I could seriously stay locked up in my room for a few hours listening to the rain and reading. Writing. No, maybe thinking. I do a lot of thinking. Not many philosophical thoughts though, mainly creating a little fantasy worlds in my head... 

In science, we had a long, intense conversation about God. Yes, yes, I know what you're thinking; science class not theology class...  It's actually more of a faith, science, and reason class. At least, that's what it says on the cover of our textbooks; Faith, Science, and Reason. 

The big question was about Genesis. There's two creation stories in Genesis. How can both be true? And if only one is true, why would God include the other? Isn't that a lie? 


To be precise, there are 39 creation stories in the Bible and they range from "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth..." to "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God..." Why did God make so many creation stories? Why doesn't he tell us how the earth was actually created so we don't have all these arguments between the scientific creationist and the scientists and those who believe in the big bang theory etc.? Other things in Genesis have been proven to be true, so why can't the same be said for the creation story? We can't prove if man was made first like in Genesis 2 or if man was made last like in Genesis 1. 

(Didn't I say that this science class was a brain stretcher?) 

God can do anything. The point of these stories aren't to explain scientifically how the world was made. They are there to prove that God can do things like this! That he is good, perfect, loving, merciful, powerful, etc. 
Maybe all 39 of them happened. That is an option. Maybe God is simply putting the story in a way that we can understand with our finite minds. 
It's hard for me to put this into the right words. We'll have to ask God about this when we meet him I guess. 

I wrote a story about Love and Anger. Its pretty cool actually. When I have more time I'll put it up here. I also have a poem I'm going to write that I'll post when I'm done. 

Blaze wants me to help him clean so we don't have to do it tomorrow. Thinking ahead... 

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