Thursday, October 2, 2014

Where's my rain?????????

Alrighty, people. I have a lot to say, so get comfortable. (I recommend a blanket and a cup of tea.) 

Today was a rather interesting day. First of all, I'd like to welcome our new guests: the Santa Anna winds and 90 degree weather. 
*opens door and welcomes guests* 
*secretly wishes guests would leave* 

And its going to be even HOTTER tomorrow. The weather channel said it would rain today. Lies.

Besides that, in Latin we made a treasure hunt for the 10th grade Latin class. We made clues in Latin and they had to find them and translate them to find the grand prize: a large tray of homemade cookies! (I ate some too. I think I ate too many.) Anyways, it was fun, even if we had to run around campus in that wind/heat. At one point, my friend, her sister, who was in the treasure hunt, and I were walking towards the classroom where the grand prize was and neither I nor my friend realized it until we were at the threshold. My friend (I'm tired of calling "my friend". She shall henceforth be known as Rene) kinda blocked her sister and looked at me like ABBY! I, being me, didn't understand until Rene mouthed She's gonna see the cookies! Then I had a lightbulb moment and (finally) understood and said something like, "Uhhh, Rosie come here, I want to show you something!" 
As my science teacher says, one day my brain will kick in and then I'll be really dangerous. XD 

For Pro-Life Club, we're doing this thing where we adopt an unborn baby who's in danger of being aborted. We name it (theres a little certificate and everything!) and pray for him/her every day for the next nine months. Mine is a boy, I decided, and I named him Felix. HOW ADORABLE IS THAT. 
You don't have to be in the Pro-Life Club to do this, you know. You could adopt a baby of your own. Its really helpful and could save a life. 
Or you could help me pray for Felix. That's good too. 

I'm working on some drawings. I'll share them with you when they're presentable. 

{It's going to be sooooooooooooooo hot tomorrow........} 


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