Sunday, September 28, 2014

A rant about siblings

I don't feel like going to school tomorrow... Can I start the weekend over please? 
No Abby. 
No Abby. The week must go on! 
Can't it go on later? 
Ugh. I guess school's coming whether I like it or not. 

I was trying to imagine what it would be like to be an only child or have only a couple siblings. In some ways, that would be nice. I'd get my own room, I wouldn't have to put up with the little ones complaining or having them crawl all over me when I'm trying to read, OR have them race into the house screaming when I'm trying to do my homework. 

But I'd miss having them here. Even though they can be annoying sometimes, I'd miss coming home and having Ronnie smile and say "Abbyyyyyyyyyyyyy!". And singing/listening to ridiculous songs with them in the car. And seeing a stuffed cat shoved into the tree by either Ronnie or Lilian (I'm not sure who did it). 

If I didn't have my sibs, I wouldn't be able to listen to Blaze and Penguin laugh as I fail miserably at sports. Or do Lilian's hair. Or have longs conversations with Blaze about books I've forced him to read that he eventually ended up loving. (He claims I bribed him, but I did no such thing.) Or help Penguin plan spy missions. Or listen to Mary Rose complaining about how tired she is and can I PLEASE stop reading and turn out the light? Or listen to Lilian and Ronnie sing T.V. show theme songs they've memorized by heart (its amazing, you  should hear them!). 

Then I tried to imagine what it would be like to have like eleven or twelve siblings like some families I know. For example, I know this one girl who has over twice as many siblings as I do and every time I go to her house its so much fun. They all pull pranks on each other and laugh and are super crazy and awesome together. 

What I'm trying to say is, siblings are really awesome and I can't imagine my life without any of mine. Some people don't appreciate their siblings. They don't appreciate that God gave them these people, and yeah, they can be annoying, but they're your family. If someone gives you a gift, lets say an iPod, you get excited and happy, right? And you say thank you, right? And you take care of the iPod, right? Well siblings are a gift to, and they're a gift from God. And siblings are wayyyyyyy more important than an iPod. So if you would take care of the iPod and appreciate the gift, why would you not take care of and appreciate your siblings who are from God, who is so above that person who gave you the iPod? 

Ok, I think my rant is over. 


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