Thursday, September 4, 2014

Blah. Sometimes I write sad stories.

I wrote this story one day when I was really sad about something. I was kinda feeling random and sometimes, when I'm sad, writing a sad, random story helps.


   She hugged her knees and rocked back and forth. Soft, afternoon light came into the dance studio through the dusty windows. Her pink tights were stained with tears and her worn-out point shoes sat beside her. Somewhere in a corner, water was leaking from the ceiling. Every once in a while she heard a drip that echoed throughout the dance studio.
   No one danced. No one was there except her.
   She allowed another tear to fall and looked at the drawing. It showed a woman, hair pulled back into a loose bun, brow furrowed, lips pressed together, eyes looking off into the distance.
   They had all said it was ugly. She thought it was beautiful.
   But it didn't matter.No one cared about what she thought.
   She thought about the woman in the drawing. She looked curious, maybe, or a little bit frusterated. Or lost.Or concerned.
   She scowled at the drawing. What was the woman looking so intensly at? Why does everyone say the drawing is ugly? Why does life have sadness in it?
   She thought about this. Sadness is everywhere, she thought, you can't avoid it. Life has tears, life has red, puffy eyes, life has wet faces.
   But what else does life have?
   Life has smiles. Life has sparkling eyes and laughter. Life has love.
   But life isn't everything. There's death. What does death have? More sadness.
   But death isn't everything either.
   She picked herself up and grabbed her point shoes. Slowly, she began to dance. There was happiness in her movements. And there was sadness. There was beauty and there was ugly. There was life. There was everything in her.
   But most of all, there were smiles. And there were tears.

   Just as there always will be.

Basically, what this story is trying to say is there is sadness in life. There are mistakes to be made, there are tears to be shed. But you shouldn't let that sadness take over.Yes, we are all sad at one point or another in our lives. It happens. There's no escaping it. But sadness is no fun. We should always try to pick ourselves up and wipe away the tears.
I was going to write a sentence about how there's no such thing as "I can't." But that would be lying. A lot of people tell themselves that "can't" isn't a word to motivate themselves. And if it works for you, great. But, to me, "can't" is a word. A big word. I can't be a perfect Catholic, or student, or dancer, or writer, or  sister, or person! It's because I can't. I'm human, and humans mess up. Only to God does the word "can't" not exist, because He can! He is perfect. Nobody else.
That leads into the next point in the story, about life and death. Life and death aren't everything. Theres Heaven and theres Hell, which are real. They're as real as the ground below your feet, or as real as the clothes you're wearing. So, live your life wisely. Because, this isn't everything. You don't need to be a famous actor, or athlete, or writer, or artist, or anything like that to be great. People say to follow your dreams. Yes, of course, but don't let your dreams get in the way of whats important, because this life isn't all there is to it.

*Whew* I'm glad I got that off my chest! Thanks for putting up with me and my rants and such.


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